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Ymir and Historia were hanging out in the dining hall, talking about the most random stuff. Azura was sitting in between them, swaying her legs back and forth, her hands clasping onto the bench just in case she loses her balance.

Over the last few days, Azura seems to have been gaining muscle. She can now sit up straight and appropriately move her body, though she hasn't been capable of walking yet.

This has greatly amazed the soldiers, considering it has barely been a week since she was rescued from the place she suffered the most. They were glad though. Seeing the girl that once couldn't move a muscle and was almost all bones healthy made them delighted that they were able to help her.

Azura looked up at Historia, watching how her eyes would fill with light when Ymir would say a certain thing and how her lips curved up into a lovely shape that she found calming for some reason.

Armin had told her about it once. It was something people do when they feel happy, smiling.

"You do it when you don't feel sad. It's sort of the opposite." That was the way Armin had explained it. Well, first he described it in a way that sounded like a foreign language to the silver-haired girl. After a few tries, her face indicated that she understood.

Azura wonders if she'll be able to make her lips curve up into a smile one day.

The blue-eyed girl then looks over to Ymir. She remembers earlier today when she officially met

her for the first time. The first thing she caught sight of was the dots on her face. They were the same dots the pretty doctor had who visited the second day.

But instead of on top of her nose, they were spread out on her cheeks. Not one dot rested on top of her nose. Azura personally thought they were really pretty, and that they made her look unique.

What if she had a feature that made her look unique?

Azura shook her head. No, she must look unsightly. The men did horrible things to her because she was ugly, right? They didn't like seeing her face so they hid it with bruises and wounds, right?

As she was shaking her head a bright light caught her interest. She looked to her right to see a rectangular object which appeared to have the ability to reflect the sun's light that seeped through the windows. It could stand on its own and it was much taller than the small girl.

Azura has never seen something so fascinating before. The girl carefully slipped off of the bench. The two girls were too invested in their conversation to notice.

Azura carefully crawled over to the unusual object. As she got closer she sat in front of it. Her eyes expanded. It can... reflect more than the sun? The object was positioned upward, so she lifted her hand and was even more shocked to see that it can even reflect herself.

She was so interested in the object Azura didn't realize that she was gradually but surely repositioning onto her knees.

Levi, who had just strolled into the dining hall with a cup of tea, was watching her from a few feet away with wide eyes. He has never seen her move this much.

Eventually, she was on her feet.

Her gaze landed on the reflection of herself. Her eyes showcased amazement. She slid her hands up to her show white hair, which was down, and went all the way down to the middle of her back. She brushed her fingers through the pieces that laid aloft her shoulders.

She then shifted her fingers up to under her eyes. Her eyes were nearly the same color as Erwin's and Armin's. They were blue, but a much brighter and prettier shade.

And then there was her face itself, which was just as beautiful as her hair and eyes.

Instead of being ugly and unsightly, her whole appearance was pretty and unique. Her strong assumption of her appearance being an eyesore which she held onto all her life is now proven to be a lie.

In the reflection, she glanced back down at her oddly aching mouth. Her lips were upturned into the lovely shape Historia had earlier.

She was smiling.

Levi, who almost dropped his cup in his hands carefully placed his tea down and walked up to Azura. He crouched down and tapped on her shoulder, making her turn towards him, the smile still on her lips. The always stoic man also showcased the lovely shape, though it was just a small one.

He would never admit to this, but he took quite a liking to this child. He found himself preferring to watch her more, wanting to protect her from anything and everything that might harm her.

"Azura and Captain Levi are smiling!" Historia's unexpected outburst made him jump and immediately drop his smile while Azura went back to staring at herself in the mirror.

"Wait. I didn't know Azura could stand," stated Ymir.

Suddenly the rest of the cadets come flying through the door.

"She's smiling? Lemme see!" Connie shouted while Sasha nodded furiously.

Eren and Jean were somehow arguing over who they believed made her smile. Mikasa had a small smile on her face while Armin had a much bigger one. They were all packed around her, staring at her with amazement.

The door crashed open again, nearly breaking it off its hinges this time. "Where is she? Where is she?" Hange cried out as she sprinted to the group. Erwin also walked up to the group and smiled once seeing her expression

Levi took a step away from the group, picking his tea up again and taking a sip.

Today was the first day in years in which both Azura and Levi were genuinely happy.

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