Chapter One

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"Hi I would like a turkey blt, to go." the woman says. "Okay, that will be $5" the woman then hands you a 5 dollar bill. "PETE! TURKEY BLT TO GO!" You say and 2 minutes later, Peter hands the lady her sandwich.

You and Peter have been friends since you both started working at the deli a year ago. You've hung out together a couple of times outside of work but you're not super close. But between you and you, he's the only friend you have.

"Y/n?" You turn to him and are met with a childish grin. "Peter?" You say matching his facial expression. "So how was your date with Luke last night?" You feel yourself blush at the memories of the fun-filled date.

"It was perfect. He took me to my favorite restaurant and after we walked to the park, where he had set up a blanket so we could stargaze, which as you know I love watching the stars..." You start rambling but stop suddenly when you notice Pete is waiting for something. You know what he's waiting for so you decided to not keep him waiting, "HE PROPOSED!" Peter immediately jumped for joy and looked at the ring.

"Congrats y/n/n! I'm so happy for you, and I better be at your wedding." He says the last part with a serious face that a second later you both burst out in laughter and an overwhelming feeling of joy spreads across your entire body as you listen to Peter ramble on about ideas for the wedding.

*beep beep beep*

You groan and you roll over to turn off your alarm, then roll onto your back again to stare at the ceiling. "It wasn't real, he didn't propose. But we have a date tonight and he's been acting weird so maybe he will?" It's like that thing when you have a dream about having to pee and when you wake up you actually have to go... anyways.

You practically jumped at the thought of your boyfriend proposing to you.

As your walking to the bathroom, a sudden realization washes over you. "Happy Birthday y/n," You say to yourself. It's currently 8 am and you have about an hour before you have to go to work.

You're excited to see Peter, seeing as though he is your only friend. You sometimes get lonely, just hanging out in your apartment with only the tv to keep you company. You know when you and Luke aren't hanging out.

At 9 am, you grab your coat, bag, and keys and head out the door. It's only a 15-minute walk to the deli from your place. You own a car but prefer to walk and soak in the city. Halfway there you realize that Luke hadn't called to tell you happy birthday yet. You decide not to hold it against him because maybe he's focused on whatever he's planning tonight.

The day goes by rather quickly and before you know it, it's 4 pm. Since you and Peter have the same shift, he walks you home, because he's just that sweet.

The next 2 hours, you spend getting ready for your date. You wear a fitted black dress with a burgundy leather jacket and black heels. To top it off you straighten your medium-length, brown hair.

You decide to go lighter with the makeup tonight, which consisted of mascara and a bit of blush.

At 6, you're finished getting ready, and right on cue, the doorbell rings. You walk over to the door and are greeted by Luke, with a bouquet of your tulips, your favorite. "Hey y/n/n", he says awkward but still charmingly as he hands you the flowers.

You take them from him and place them in a vase before you take his hand and walk down to his car. He let go of your hand and walked to the other side of the car and hopped in. 'He didn't open the door for you like he normally does.' You dismissed the thought because something so little wasn't going to ruin your night. After a few minutes he parked the car and you looked through the windshield to see he brought you to the small diner you had your first date at.

The waitress took your order and once she left an awkward silence fell between the two of you. You sat there for about 2 minutes trying to study his facial expression. He had that look like he wanted to say something but can't find the words.

Thankfully he spoke up, asking about your day which led to meaningless chit-chat between you until the waitress came back with your food. "One cheeseburger, no tomatoes, and a side of fries," She says as she puts the plate down in front of you. "And, one double patty burger with a side of onion rings," She says, placing the food in front of Luke.

We eat quickly and in silence. 'This is the most awkward date we have ever had.' I think as we I watch Luke pay the bill.

Just as I'm about to get out of the booth, Luke grabs my hand and sits back down across from me. He stares into my eyes for a good 10 seconds before starting, "Uhm, y/n... I'm sorry this date was really bad but there's just something really important I needed to say to you." You stare at him with a confused expression and usher him to continue talking.

"I'm breaking up with you" Was the last sentence you could hear come out of his mouth. After that it's like the world went silent, it felt as though you had gone deaf and the room began to spin.

He stares at you with a look of concern. You then gather enough strength to let out a quiet, "why?" He then takes a minute, as if he's thinking of what to say next. "I've met somebody else, a girl from my office, we've been flirting back and forth for a few months, only a week ago did I realize that I have feelings for her. I want to give it a shot with her, and I didn't want to go behind your back. So, I'm breaking up with you." You flashed him a look of disgust before you quickly stood up and start walking towards the door.

Once you stepped through the door, you notice that your vision had gone blurry and you didn't realize why until you felt a hot tear stream down your left cheek. 'You were crying for a child? A guy who would throw away 3 years with you for a shot with some girl? You wanted to be mad at him so badly but at the moment you could only feel sorrow.

'Not only did he forget your birthday, but he also broke up with you.' You laugh at the thought before yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!" You begin the half-hour walk home. This part of the city is less busy so you get to walk home with only the voices in your head to listen to. 'He left you because you don't make him happy. You're not good enough, that's why non of your other relationships worked either.' These thoughts only make you cry more. Thank god you chose to wear the waterproof mascara tonight.

You had been walking for about 10 minutes and still not a soul in sight. Suddenly you feel a hand wrapped around your mouth so your screams were muffled. The figure is way stronger than you. Any and all attempts you make of fighting back don't work as he drags you into a van where you find 2 other men. Before you could even say anything, you feel a powerful force hit your head and everything went black.

Stubborn in Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن