Chapter Thirty Five

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It had been a few days since you had disappeared, and the team rightfully assumed that you were in hydra's grasp once again.

For 3 day's they searched non-stop for new hydra base locations but came up short. The entire team was stressed, guilty, overworked, and most of all worried. They all had grown to love you and just as fast as you joined the team, you were gone.

The situation was the hardest on Natasha. She wished she could've been there to protect you, but she was also very regretful. She didn't say it back, the L word. You had said it to her and she froze. Of course she loved you and she wanted to say it but it's like her voice was taken from her in that moment and she couldn't say anything.

Everyone was doing their share of searching but Natasha was the one that was working extra hard, only stopping to take care of herself because if they do find where you are, she wants to be in good shape so she can kick some ass.

But 3 days of non-stop work takes a toll on even the strongest minded people. Her stress was starting to build up, and usually if she was stressed or worried about something, she'd go to Bruce to let off some steam. But she can't do that now because she wouldn't do that to you, she wanted to keep her promise to herself that she wouldn't hurt you and she didn't even want to be with Bruce anymore, she only wanted you.

~time skip~

It had been a few weeks. The avengers have searched every base they could find but no sign of you. Although it didn't occur to them that you'd be living in a house in New York with your fiance.

Over time those blurry memories, people and feelings that you were struggling to figure out had completely left your mind. You had totally forgot you were ever thinking about it, and now you were sure you had gone into a coma, because you joining the Avenger's seems like a dream, so you assumed it was.

You trusted Luke. He was sweet, caring, and from what you can tell great in bed. Him hurting you was the furthest thought from your mind. Tonight he was taking you someplace, but he wouldn't tell you where.

You arrived at a building outside the city that looked abandoned. When you stepped inside the place felt oddly familiar. He led you through the halls pretty easily, like he's been here before. Far enough into the building you were struck by a feeling that you had encountered when he mentioned your birthday last year, fear. Why did it feel so similar?

You entered a room that was filled with quite a few people, most of them in lab coats. A man, who walked like he owned the place. "Y/n welcome back" the man approached you. "Have I been here before?" you asked, not knowing what to think at this moment. "Yes, you don't remember, but for a while this place was your home" you looked around at the dreary walls. "Call me Reiner" you nodded, "Nice to meet you" you said shyly.

"We're here to help you, get back some particular memories" he motioned for you to sit in a chair and you did. You laid your arms on the rests and one of the scientists inserted a syringe into your arm. "What is that?" you watched as he injected the liquid into your body. "A new serum we have been working on, it helps us manipulate the mind" you scrunched your face up in confusion, "what do you hope to accomplish?" you felt bold because these men have not yet shown you that they are hostile.

"If this works you will be our new weapon, under our control like the Winter Soldier but improved" he gestured for the scientists to move on and they locked your arms to the chair. You looked at Luke and without saying anything he told you to relax.

"What do you mean by improved?" Reiner sighed at your question, "Enough questions get the procedure started" he told the men in lab coats and they scurried around the room prepping.

"Honey, this might hurt a little bit but I'm right here" Luke chimed in as one of the men put something in your mouth. You nodded and leaned your head back and a machine surrounded parts of your head.

Before you knew it, there was electricity flowing through your body and it caused your body to tense. This was the worst pain you had ever felt before and because of that you yelled out. Time seemed to stand still in that moment and as soon as it was over you thanked god that it was.

You sat up in the chair and the men asked you questions that you previously wouldn't have know the answers to. Your memories of the Avenger's were still missing from your head and the event's over your stay with hydra also remained out of your mind. What you did remember was the training you received and any information you knew regarding your power of invisibility.

You were also filled in about hydra and the fact that Luke was a spy for hydra. They also informed you on anything you would need to know about the serum, mission's they'd have you go on, and on hydra. The last thing that you didn't expect them to tell you was that you were chosen by them because you had no friends or family, nobody to really care if you were gone. But no matter because now you are a hydra spy and there's no one to help or stop you.

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