Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So what do you want to do now?"

You were interrupted by Wanda walking into the room. "Hey girls" she said casually as she walked to the kitchen. "Hey Wanda" you responded while Natasha shot her a smile. "y/n/n want to get ready for the party later?" Wanda asked and you turned to look at Natasha, almost as if you were asking for her permission. You could tell that Natasha was debating about something but before she could say anything you responded to Wanda, "Yeah come get me later" Wanda nodded and your eyes stayed on her until she left.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Natasha asked and you grabbed her hand and dragged her through the hallways. Once you stepped into her room you let go of her hand and jumped onto her bed, "What are we watching?" she couldn't help but giggle at your eagerness. "You pick" she said as she closed the door and walked over to the bed. As she sat down you grabbed the remote and put on the movie. You were sitting crossed legged as you waited for the movie to begin. She cleared her throat and you turned to see her laying down with her arms open in anticipation. You laughed as you relaxed into her arms and she tightened her grip around you, "don't laugh at me" she tried to be serious but you could see the smile she was trying to conceal.

"I'll laugh if I want to laugh" you shot in the same manner, "someone's confident today" she moved your head so it was rested on her chest and you came to the realization that she was right, you were feeling confident today. You raised your head and laid it back down on the pillow and she turned her body, "What do you think you're doing?" you kept your eyes trained on the screen, "Watching the movie. What are you doing?" she turned her whole body and hovered her head above yours, blocking your view of the TV. "I'm watching you, and now you're watching me" she said in a low voice as she leaned in closer.

You slowly closed the gap between you and kissed her softly before pulling back to look into her eyes. She leaned in again but you jerked your head back, "hey!" she whined and you smiled, "I'm sorry did you want something?" she playfully rolled her eyes, "I want a kiss" she leaned in and you once again evaded it. "You already got one" you teased and she moved to straddle your lap and cupped your face in her hands.

"Let's try this one more time and if you move away you're going to regret it" she said and before she moved you leaned in and kissed her. She deepened the kiss and you parted your lips slightly to allow her tongue access. You weren't surprised when she didn't hesitate to explore every inch of your mouth. Her right hand began to slide down your body and rub your thigh and the kiss became more heated as her hands explored your body. Suddenly you heard a knock at the door and Natasha stopped all movement and she reluctantly detached her lips from yours.

"Who is it?" she shouted in annoyance while she kept her eyes trained on you. "Y/n are you in there?" you immediately recognized the voice and you pressed your hand against Natasha's chest and pushed her off you. After slipping out from under her, you made your way to the door and opened it to see Wanda waiting. "Ready?" you watched her nod before turning to look back at the bed to find Natasha laying on the bed, pretending to watch the movie. "See you at the party Nat" you said as you were closing the door. "Can't wait" you heard before closing the door and making your way to Wanda's room.

Wanda walked into the bathroom and you went into her closet. "Where's Peter?" you shouted since it was across the room from the bathroom. "Him, Thor, and Steve had a mission, should be back tomorrow" you nodded as you grabbed a dress for Wanda to wear. As she re entered the room you motioned to the dress in your hand, "You wear it, I already got my outfit" you mocked hurt, "Without me?" she laughed and you laid the dress on the bed. "I wanted to save time so you could tell me what's going on between you and Natasha" you narrowed your eyes at her. "I don't need to read your mind, I just read the room" she said casually. "She asked my to be her girlfriend" a smile found it's way to your face.

"Y/n/n I'm so happy for you" she said and ran over to hug you. "Thanks. Now lets get ready, the party should be starting soon." you suggested and she shrugged. "So we're a little late" you laughed and tapped your index finger on your chin as you pretended to think about it. "You're right, these parties normally get good about halfway through" you said as you walked over and slumped down onto the bed and she followed in suit.

"So, now that you guys are official do you think you will?" she finished her sentence by wiggling her eyebrows with a growing smirk. "I don't know, I mean I was with Luke for what 2 almost 3 years and we never even..." you used your hands to gesture out what you meant. "Wait what? Why not?" her whole face covered in shock. "I just never felt like I was ready and he didn't rush me, maybe that's why he broke up with me..." you trailed off to think about your time with Luke. "Have you ever?" she asked and your entire body language shifted and you sighed as you looked at you fidgeting hands.

"Omg I'm sorry, I forgot..." she caught herself, not meaning to bring up your traumatizing past. "It's okay you didn't mean to" you said as your eyes slowly worked their way to looking at her again. "Other than that, no I haven't really" you said carefully and Wanda looked speechless. "It's not that I never wanted to, or thought about it because I have. It's just Luke was only my second relationship, so I didn't really have experience with..." she nodded, you could tell she was thankful you elaborated on your own so she didn't have to open her mouth again.

"Do you think you'd want to?" She treaded carefully. You bobbed your head from side to side as you thought about what happened earlier in Natasha's room. But you were pulled out of your thoughts when Wanda gasped dramatically, "Do you think you guys would have done it, if I didn't interrupt?" she said with her hands covering her mouth. "How did you?" your eyes narrowed at her, "Wanda!" you playfully hit her, "I'm sorry, you were thinking so loudly I just wanted a peek" she defended. "And?" you asked wanting to know what she heard or saw, "and I got the whole show" your jaw dropped and you grabbed a pillow and hit her.

"It was pretty hot y/n/n" Wanda said as she fixed her hair and you instantly grabbed the pillow and hit her again. "Yeah okay. I deserved that one" you nodded cockily, "Yes you did" you both stared at each other as silence quickly filled the room, and not five seconds later it was replaced with both of your laughter. "Okay, now we should get ready"

Stubborn in Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن