05: Trey

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Picture of Mr. Macnab (first name Collin) to the right. I'll probably be going back to edit this chapter as well later. Seems...choppily written to me, but I can't figure out why. Hope you all enjoy anyway. :)

(January 6, 2013) Edited this one too! Whoop! *blows noisemaker* I am now satisfied with this chapter. :)

05: Trey


I look up from my Chemistry textbook.

“Yes, Ms. Hack?” I ask.

“Can you run these papers up to the office please?”

I nod, put a pencil in my book to mark my spot, and go to Ms. Hack’s desk. She hands me a stack of papers and a hall pass. I feel all the eyes in the classroom trailing after me and I leave the classroom. I roll my eyes as soon as the door shuts behind me. I've never understood why everyone must watch when someone enters or leaves a room; it's not a huge deal. Like seriously. I hug the stack of papers closer to my chest as I quietly make my way down the halI. When I reach the office, I hand the stack to the woman at the desk.

“Hall pass,” she says bluntly.

I hold the pass out and she takes it. She mutters to herself as she rummages around in her desk for a pen. As she is doing this, I hear footsteps in the hallway; loud, fast footsteps. Behind me, the main door opens and slams loudly. Confused, I turn to see the commotion. To my surprise, I see Linley running to her truck through the glass of the door. Without her cap. And then I hear laughter down the hall. Oh no, I think horridly. Oh no.

The lady signs and holds my pass back out to me. I practically snatch it from her grasp and run down the hall towards the laughter. I round a corner and see the entire cheerleading squad along with a couple of jocks standing there, their jovial outburst ringing through the halls. I approach them.

“Give the cap to me,” I say through clenched teeth.

“What are you gonna do?” the bigger jock laughs. “It’s mine now. Get outta here.”

“Give me the cap back,” I snarl, emphasizing every last syllable.

“Come and get it,” the jock retorts, now glowering at me.

I instantly take a step forward and reach for the cap. He pulls it out of my reach and chuckles. Fury courses through me, and without thinking, I ball my hand into a fist and thrust it towards his face. I feel it come into contact with his nose and he stumbles backwards. The cheerleaders all gasp and the other jock standing there steps forward. The one holding the cap gains his balance, his nose now emitting large amounts of blood.

“You’re going to pay for that,” he growls.

“Give me the cap,” I say again.

“No!” he yells, his voice sounding the equivalent of two year old throwing a tantrum. He lunges forward and throws his fist towards my face. Black spots fill my vision as it collides with my eye. I stumble back a little, but I instantly regain my balance, rush forward, and snatch the cap out of his grasp. As I turn to run, he punches me again, this time catching my lip. I feel a small taste of blood enter my mouth as I finish turning on my heel and sprint down the hall.

The jock shouts. I can hear him running behind me. I pick up my pace, causing my loud footsteps to echo throughout the halls. I run until I reach the office, where I am stopped by the principal. I skid to a halt and duck my head, embarassed. Leave it to me, the school's teacher pet, to get in trouble with the principal. He has an angry scowl on his face, and he is tapping his foot.

The Prison Project [-Editing-]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora