14: Linley

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Hi everyone! 

Yes, yes I am still writing this story. Yes, I know that it's been forever. But now that Little Lost Miracles is done, I'm back to working on this one. Thanks for being so patient with me. Hope you all enjoy!

Picture of Keene -->

14: Linley

I don’t even try to go to sleep. My head feels like it’s about to explode, and I’m exhausted beyond all reason, but I don’t feel safe being completely unaware and submerged in my own subconscious in this place. It’s too unnerving. I play with a small hole in my t-shirt, trying to pass the time. I think of home: of my room, of the kitchen, of the backyard…of Mama and Papa Macnab, and of Boone, and of Trey. I remember Trey dancing with me at the Homecoming dance. I remember scaring the life out of him the next morning. I remember our movie marathon, and falling asleep against his shoulder. I remember waking up to the embrace of a warm quilt and knowing that he put it there before going up to bed. I have to hold back tears. I miss him so much that I literally ache inside.

I sigh and lean my head against the wall. I’ve decided that white is my new least favorite color. I swear, if I ever get out of here I will do everything in my power to make sure I don’t ever have to look at that color for more than five seconds ever again. I slump down so that I’m lying on my back, staring at the ceiling. Trey. It’s been only two days since I saw him last. Or is it more? Three? Four? A week? A month? I roll my eyes at myself. Don’t be stupid, Linley, you haven’t been here for a month, or even a week. I sigh. But it certainly does feel like it.

I turn my head and look out the small door. Scott is sleeping soundly, with both arms curled up underneath his chin and using his hands as a pillow. His chest rises and falls slowly, and I can hear his soft snores drifting over into my cell. I close my eyes and listen to the sound. I don’t know why it does, but it slowly begins to relax me. Maybe it’s because I’m using to listening Boone snore in Trey’s room, which just happens to be right next to mine. Or maybe it’s because I’m used to listening to the sound of my own breathing. But something’s about Scott’s sleeping breaths calms me down.

Without realizing it, I fall to unconsciousness. Darkness engulfs me and I have a long, troubled, dreamless sleep. When I wake again, Keene is standing over me, scarily close to my face, wearing a ridiculous grin. I gasp and jump backwards, also smacking my head against the wall. I groan.

“Hello, love,” he says in a failed attempt at a British accent.

 “Shut up and leave me alone,”I growl fiercely, wincing and rubbing my head.

“Geez, who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning: thundercloud?” he quips.

I glare up at him. “You’re not funny.”

He beams. “You may not think that I am, but I think that I am.”

“Well good for you.”

He stands, brushes off his lab coat, and adjusts his glasses.

“Well, Linley, today’s the big day!”

“And what big day is that?”

“Why, we begin the tests!”

“What tests?” I groan. “Is this like some school with freakishly smart kids who you’re brainwashing to be your genius slaves or something?”

“Where on earth would you get that idea? Does this look like a school to you?”

I shrug. “Could be. That or I just watch too much Doctor Who.”

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