07: Trey

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Yeah. It's super hard for me to write things that are supposed to be intense and scary. So for those of you reading...this chapter is supposed to be intense and scary. Just use your imagination and bear with me here ;) Also not sure how I feel about this one, but I wrote it, so I thought, "Eh, what the heck, I'll upload it." I'll go back and work on more detail some other time. Hope you all enjoy. Oh, and this one's dedicated to ToxicThrill because she was such a huge help with Green Day songs, especially the one linked to this chapter. It's seriously the most perfect song ever for this part of the story. So yeah, thanks Allison! :)

*Edited on January 9, 2013

07: Trey

I yawn and pick up the DVD remote. I press the power button and the TV flickers off, the room falling to silence as it does. Sighing, I start to sit up, but I stop when I realize that Linley’s head is in my lap. Her chest rises and falls with soft breaths, a peaceful look adorning her sleeping face. I smile a little. After a moment’s consideration, I reach for one of the throw pillows resting on our couch, and then carefully lift Linley’s head from my lap and place the pillow underneath her. She murmurs a little in her sleep, but does not wake. I stand, grab the quilt hanging on the other end of the couch, and drape it over her sleeping figure.

I flick the light switch in the living room and the room goes black. I tiptoe over to the stairs, careful not to run into any of the furniture, seeing as how it is near impossible to see anything now.

“Night, Lin,” I whisper to the darkness as I reach the bottom of the stairs. Then I turn and make my way up to my room, Boone close on my heels. I slowly close my bedroom door behind me and turn on my light. Its warm glow slowly fills the room as I pad over to my dresser and pull out some pajamas. I undress swiftly and slip them on. After finishing, I turn my light out and crawl under my heavy covers. Boone jumps up on the bed with me and slings his large body across my chest.

I grunt. “Ugh. You’re heavy, boy.”

He only looks at me with his big brown eyes before nuzzling his nose under my arm and sneezing. I give a small chuckle and shake my head at him, then rest my head back on my pillow and close my eyes. Boone’s snores drift throughout the room, slowly lulling me to sleep.

• • •


I jerk awake, accidentally kicking my wall as I do so. I wince a little as I pull my foot up to me and carefully massage the toe that I have stubbed. Boone’s ears perk up, and then he lifts his head and growls, a low, warning growl that seems to say, “Something wicked this way blows.”

“What is it, boy?” I whisper.

He whimpers and looks at me, his big brown eyes filled with urgency.

Pitter patter.

I softly nudge Boone off of me, fling my covers off, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. Boone quietly jumps down onto the ground next to me and creeps over to the door, which he nudges with his nose, whimpering once more. I cautiously walk towards the door. I let my hand rest on the doorknob for a moment before I grasp it and slowly turn it to the right, praying that the door won’t creak. I let out a sigh of relief as I finish opening it; it didn’t make a sound. I push Boone behind me with my foot as he tries to slide past me, and then slip out into the hallway. I hear Boone’s big paws padding on the carpet behind me. I begin to make my way to the stairs, but I stop in my tracks when I hear another sound.


Boone begins to whine. I instantly clasp my hands around his snout.

“Shh,” I hiss. I let go of him.

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