🐺 Chapter 15. Bloodshed

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The night had fallen as I headed back towards the base. The full moon above me shines brightly, and yet its full mood never really affected me in any way. At the very beginning when I just turned into a wolf, it did, but now I just feel a strong connection and desire to be out there in the woods. One of the things I really missed was living in a pack. It's different from living at a busy base full of people. Some of them don't even know each other while living. You are basically family and understand each other.

I halted and looked at the building right in front of me. Soldiers guarding the gate paced around with serious looks on their faces and didn't seem to keep an eye on each other. In fact, some completely ignored one another. Why would that be the case? Why would they ignore each other if they have to guard the gate?

I brushed it off and walked up to them. A rookie, a very young and fragile guy paused and turned fully towards me. "You are back?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes and he quickly opened the gate, flashing me a nervous smile back. I snorted, pushing him out of the way and marched in. Night or not, still quite a few soldiers were wandering around, heading for their duty for tonight. They only glanced at me, but didn't attempt to talk to me. It's better if they don't, the pain is killing me and my mood couldn't be any worse. I pushed the door of my room open and walked in, kicking it shut behind me.

The next morning, I bumped straight into Lennox. I tried to pass him,–– giving him a cold shoulder but he blocked my way. "Don't!" I snapped and shot him a nasty glare. "Is this how it is between us, Skye?" he asked. I snorted and looked away, "I don't like you... you can't replace James!" I snapped. "I am not trying to replace him, Skye!" he snapped back. "Then what on earth am I doing here?" I hissed. "I am trying to do you a favor," he argued. "A favor?!" I spat out. "I don't see why this would be a favor, Will!" I sneered. "You want to go back from where you came from, get a new partner? Is that what you want?" he snapped while crossing his arms. I sighed and looked away from him, "just stay out of my damn way!"

I turned around and marched out of the room. 'A favor?! really?' I asked while rolling my eyes. Does he really think he's doing me a favor by being here? It angered me, yet I was angered with myself because I wasn't able to protect James. It was my job, and I failed. I sat down in the cafeteria with a donut and watched the twins. For a while, I watched them talk and mess around with each other. For so far, they haven't been mean to me before, should I give them a chance? I am definitely not going to try to be friends with Will, but perhaps the twins could be friends. Although, I doubted it would smooth the pain.

I got up and walked over to them. Their conversation died down as they noticed me. "Skye..." Sideswipe tapped the spot beside them. "You came back?" he asked. "For now..." I replied coldly. "Why if you're in the mood  to argue and snap at us are you here with us? We don't want to go through that again!" the yellow mech snarled and crossed his arm. "I am not mad at you guys... it's not your fault what happened and I know that. I wasn't there to protect him, it's my fault he's dead. It was my job and I screwed up. I guess I was just trying to smooth the pain..."
"Now we are getting somewhere..." Sunstreaker muttered while leaning back on the couch. "I lost my best friend recently as well, my brother's years back and now the only one I saw as my family. I am sorry if I offend you," I muttered. "It's okay, we knew you were mourning and... we weren't really mad, just frustrated, that's all..." Sideswipe said while he mustered a smile on his face. "Maybe you'd like to speak for yourself? I was mad and I still am!" Sunstreaker snapped while crossing his arms in a stubborn way. "Ignore him..."

I snorted and shook my head. "It's okay, Skye. Tell me, are you in pain?" he asked. "Just a little bit..." That was one big lie, but I didn't want to show them I am vulnerable right now, nor anyone else, so I just pretended I was fine. "Maybe you should take your pain medication," the yellow mech muttered–– snarling. "Don't you think I already have one that?" I snapped. "Maybe you can shut for a moment?" Sideswipe snapped while glaring at his brother. Sunstreaker didn't seem to be impressed at all and simply shrugged his shoulders, giving his brother a smug look.

I got up. "I am going to my room..."

"Already?" Sideswipe sounded disappointed. "yeah, it's too busy here... I guess I will see you around the afternoon or whatever..."
"Lunch? You'd like to have lunch with us tonight?" Sideswipe asked. I gave a stiff nod and headed for the door, leaving the cafeteria, only to return hours later. I sat down with a poor piece of bread and eggs on my plate. "That's the most poor amount of food I have ever seen, Skye!" Sunstreaker mocked. "I lost my appetite..." I muttered as I took my first bite. "If you're sick you should be in the medbay..." Sideswipe trailed off without trying to tell me what to do. "I am not sick... just not hungry, that's all."

Despite not being hungry, I ate the poor amount of food that I had laying on my plate until I heard my name being called. "Ignore them, Skye... he's a jackass! He has nothing better to do in his leisure" Sideswipe scowled irritatedly. I followed his advice and looked back at my plate again. Ignoring is the best option most of the time, if you show them you're angry or irritated, they will continue. From the corner of my eye though, I kept a close eye on him. As he passed by and spilled water over me, I got up angered. "Skye!" Sideswipe jumped back on his feet and tugged on my arm. "Ignore him!" he hissed near my ear.

I uttered a low dangerous growl and pushed him out of the way. "You think you're funny?" I snapped as I jabbed my finger in the soldier's chest. "I am... is our wolfie angered?" he taunted. I shove him away with me with so much force he nearly collapsed. He hadn't expected that. "Skye! Enough!" Sunstreaker snapped. "Ah, come on... that punk wants to mess around!" I sneered. The soldier walked over to me again, and tried to hit me, but I was faster and ducked away just in time before his fist was able to connect with my jaw. In my anger, I hit him instead. He hissed and stepped back, his nose bloody. "Leave the femme, Logan!" Sideswipe snapped as he came between us. 'So that's his name, huh?' I thought as I stared at the soldier. "Piss off, Sideswipe! No one asked you a damn thing!" Logan sneered. This soldier is losing his patience and I am losing my patience as well.

During my training, I was clearly told what I could do in situations like this. At K-19, they didn't really care about other people's wellbeing and most of my pack members had brutally ripped off body parts without any mercy. The only reason I never did that before is because of James. He hates it and can't watch it, despite being a soldier. Now however, I was very close to biting off something. "I am warning you, Logan! My training allowed me to bite people like you... we never really care about other people's well-being if they are bullying and rude like you!"
"Are you threatening me?" he sneered and pushed Sideswipe out of the way. "No! I am warning you and giving you your last warning!"  I hissed. He snorted angrily and hit my cheek.

The pain didn't last long and I lunged forward, biting him in his arm. My once human teeth changed into sharp fangs, drilling straight through his flesh, hitting bone as well. We wolves aren't able to kill a prey in one single bite or rip of bone in one single bite, we bite multiple times. "Skye! Let him go!" Sideswipe tried to pull me off Logan, but I kept holding on, and started to chew and bite multiple times. Screamed my ears as I felt the bone giving in.

The last strong bite was enough to bite straight through his bone and rip off his hand. Blood splattered all over my face and floor. I dropped the hand and wasn't done yet, but Sunstreaker grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. "I swear if you bite me I will remove every single tooth from your mouth!" he hissed. I struggled a little, but he was simply too strong. "I warned that asshole!" I sneered. "Yes! And now you did what he deserved so shut up before you make things even worse!" he hissed.
Sunstreaker turned his head, didn't pay attention to me for a brief second and I was able to kick his shins, free myself and ran off.

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