🐺 Chapter 16. Search

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Sunstreaker was absolutely furious. He marched into my room and even before I could manage to say anything his fist connected with my stomach. I groaned in pain, while he kept beating me. Over and over again till I was on the ground bleeding. My previous injury had reopened again. "You think you can just hit me!" He spat out. He hit me again and was stopped by Sideswipe. I hadn't even heard Sideswipe coming in.

"Sunstreaker!" He shouted and pushed him away from me. "What have you done!" He shouted. "People don't kick me and if they do... they will get a punch back!" He sneered. "She only kicked you once! You beat the living hell out of her!" He shouted angrily.

"You're such a jerk!" He snapped and grabbed Sunstreaker, throwing him out before he crouched down and brushed some strands from my face. "Can you get up?" He asked. He helped me as I slowly got back on my feet. He sat me down and started to look over the wounds Sunstreaker caused me. "I am sorry..."

"For what?" I muttered, meeting his ocean blue eyes. "Sunstreaker hates to get kicked," he murmured. "Well, it's not your fault..." my voice died down. He grabbed a towel and started to remove blood from my face and body. "I think Ratchet has to stitch you again. The wound has reopened."

I sucked in a breath and laid my head back down, staring at the ceiling. Sideswipe sat on the edge and looked down at me. "What's bothering you? Despite my brother?" He asked. "So many things are bothering me, Sideswipe," I muttered and looked at the ceiling again. "Let's give you some pain relief first, I am sure that will do the trick."

He got up and later returned with Jolt. Obviously Ratchet is with that soldier to help him. "You're good at making messes, huh?" Jolt asked as he crouched down. "Apparently."

He began the procedure and fixed the reopened wound and some smaller wounds before he left after an injection. Sideswipe stayed at my side and kissed my neck softly. His chuckle vibrated through my body as he felt me shudder in delight.

"Alright, Princess. Good as new," he joked. I rolled my eyes at the nickname and sat up straight. "I am sure you don't want to talk to Sunny right now, but perhaps you can work things out?" He asked. I shot him a glare, "I am down with your twin for now. So don't bother me with that scrap!" I snapped. "Alright, alright."

He raised his hands in surrender and got up. "Just leave me alone..." I curled up in a ball and shut my eyes. I felt Sideswipe throwing a blanket over my body and shut the blinds before he left.

———Sideswipe P.O.V————
It's probably the best to let Skye sleep. She seemed to be really upset. Not because of what she did but because my brother beat her up so badly. I gave Sunny a cold shoulder and caught up with Jazz. "How's the status?" I asked. "Bad, Sunstreaker is pissed, Prime is pissed, Ratchet is pissed and Lennox is pissed."

"Right... can we fix it? It wasn't Skye her fault. That guy is mocking us since we got here and she warned him. It would have happened anyway soon or later."
Jazz shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think Skye will like the aftermath of this," he murmured and scanned the hanger. I honestly don't know why to do or to fix what Skye did. If Ratchet isn't able to attach his hand back on his arm, then he'll loose his hand and his job.

My stomach twisted with horror as the scene popped up into my mind again. While Sunstreaker had felt a wave of excitement and thrill, all I felt was horror. Skye hasn't had any trouble hitting through flesh and bone nor did she care about the guy or aftermath. She had been in a bliss and that's the scary part of this.


I strolled over to Lennox. "Where is Skye?" He asked. "She's asleep. Jolt sedated her... she was really distressed and upset. My twin beat her up as well, so I just left her alone to get some sleep and hopefully she'll calm down eventually."

"I am not done with her! This isn't working. She can't adjust here. I don't know how my brother did it... but she doesn't trust us. None of us so I'll ask someone to pick her up and sent her back from where she came from," he sighed irritated. "Don't. Just give her one more change and this time... I'll keep a close eye on her. My twin is aggressive too! He killed people, soldiers. Skye didn't. You don't sent him away either."

"Because we can't! Sunstreaker is one of our best front liners and we need him. We need every Autobot in this war but we don't necessarily need Skye. She's only a bother to us," he growled angrily. "She was already cranky because she was in pain. All I ask for is one more change. If she screws up again. You can sent her away... back to Galloway."

Lennox glanced at me for several minutes. "Alright, but this is really her last change. Is she screws up again, and I don't care how, she's going to leave." I nodded and flashed him a smile. "Don't worry. I will keep an close eye on her and make sure she behaves. She's just really stressed lately. I know it's not an excuse but I can assure you... she'll come around."

"I hope so..." Lennox muttered and walked off. "Well that went well... better then expected," I sighed, mostly to myself. Jazz approached and gave me a look, "you're always getting away with everything, huh?" He asked. "Not with everything but... with most things I guess, yes."

"I hope you know what you're doing because if this gets worse she can get herself in serious trouble. These humans don't understand our race and a rare human species like Skye are more like a threat to them. I have seen these humans act rude and abusive. Ask your brother, what they did to him his unforgettable. We don't want the same thing to happen to Skye. You know how Galloway is."

I nodded and bit my lip. "I try my best but Skye really seems to have her own mind and doesn't take any advice. I can't control her life. I tried to talk to her multiple times and to be honest, this morning she was despite the pain a good mood. Not the mood we were aiming for, but good enough and then this stupid soldier decided to ruin everything."

"I know. That's what I mean. They don't understand and never will be either. Just keep an eye on her..." he whispered before walking off. Of course I will keep an eye on her, last thing I want is loosing her.

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