🐺 Chapter 20. Rules

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People gave me wide berth as I strode through the corridor, on my way to meet the twins for a brief meeting. Apparently they had a busy day but Sunstreaker insisted on this. I pushed the door open and walked off the stairs. They were already waiting. 'Couldn't you hurry a little bit?' He tapped on his left wrist. 'I'm here now.' I crossed my arms. 'You understand that this is your last chance?' I rolled my eyes but nodded. 'I agreed to their stupid terms, so what do you want from me?' Sunstreaker sucked in a breath before he spoke up. 'I'd like to set three simple rules.' Three rules? I cocked a brow. That doesn't seem to be difficult to keep. 'One, no killing, torturing, beating someone up, unless I order it.' I nodded shallowly. 'Two, you report to us. No one else.' Seemed fair. 'Three, we are not your scapegoat. So you'll listen to us and you don't try to escape.' That seemed reasonable. 'Sure.'

Sunstreaker surveyed me. As if he expected me to start an alpha-hole fit. 'Anything else?' Sideswipe shook his head. 'No, that's pretty much it...' I gave a nod and turned on my heels to leave. 'Can you meet us during lunch?' I looked over my shoulder. 'I'm not going to the cafeteria again.'
'Autobot hangar then.' I gave a nod and headed up the stairs to take the same way back.

Three rules is nothing. James had a lot more rules, but he was different. I was part of his family. I protected his family. My chest tightened. If I had only been at his side two minutes earlier... it could've made a difference. My shoulders sagged. This sucks. I was on my way of being free. The paperwork was all ready. Never again being treated like an animal or fighting for human wars. It's all gone now.  Will had promised to see if he could make something happen but as property of the state...

I returned to my dorm and spend my day reading. Mostly reading and sleeping. I had nothing better to do anyway.
At exactly 1 PM, I was standing in the Autobot hangar; waiting for the twins. They rolled in and parked on their usual spot in the corner. 'You came.'
I gave him a feral smile. 'Because you asked.' He intended to pat my shoulder but the glare said enough. He even took a step back. 'What have you been doing?' I shrugged. 'Reading.' Sunstreaker angled his head. 'Reading?'

'Yeah, you know... letters form a word, words form sentences and sentences create a story. I read the manual of the new F-22 prototype.' They exchanged a look. 'So? What do you want me to do?' I asked. 'Lunch. We are getting some lunch in town. You'd like to come too?' I blinked. 'Uhm, sure...' I mumbled. I hadn't eaten this morning; refused to set one foot over the threshold of the cafeteria, but if they offered. I couldn't let this tempting offer slide.

Sideswipe gestured at their alt-modes. I followed him and hopped in the passenger side. I had never really taken the time to examine his interior. His cabin provides adequate headroom and legroom, even for taller occupants and he had a nice, matching grey and black color.
Rearward visibility was poor, much of that owing to his alt-modes midengine design. Standard amenities include leather upholstery and power-adjustable seats.

Sideswipe's engine rumbled to life and he took off, following his twin. I had no idea where we were going to eat and honestly, I didn't really care. As long as I was able to eat something. I slumped back in the comfortable leather seat. 'So, you've been reading all morning, huh?' I shrugged. 'Why are you so surprised? What else am I supposed to with my life? I'm not allowed to rip people apart.' I could've sworn to see him shudder. 'No, you're not,' he muttered grimly, eyes gleaming dangerously. It was a warning. I rolled my eyes at his alpha-hole behavior and focused on the road.

'You had a patrol or something?' I question, breaking the tensed silence. 'Yeah, one of the Energon detectors gave a weak signal overnight. We were assigned to check it out.' I nodded shallowly, processing his words. 'But I guess you found nothing.' Sideswipe shook his head. 'No, thank Primus it was a malfunction.' These detectors were designed by Cybertronians, I doubted it was a malfunction.
It wasn't uncommon for Decepticons to enter this territory. I made a mental note for myself to check it out later.

'Which one malfunctioned?'

Sideswipe crossed the intersection and turned sharply to the left. 'The one on Dupont Circle. Number 2394. Not too far from the base. Prime and Prowl were concerned but luckily it was just nothing.' I realized how many lives would be lost if the twins misjudged the situation. I didn't even know why I cared so much. Humans are stupid, primitive idiots. Not worth saving in a lot of ways. They basically enslaved me, made me fight their wars. They have full control whether I live or not and het, here I am, making a mental note to myself to check it out later. At least it's more exciting than reading a manual of a new, improved fighter jet.

Sideswipe parked on a large parking lot and cut his engine. I slid out and closed his door. The sun was beaming brightly and I had to admit that it was pretty hot today. Sunstreaker put on his sunglasses but strangely enough, didn't take off his leather jacket. He really went for the badass vibe, not caring about the heat or sweat apparently.

'You behaved?'

I hummed and took the lead to Panda Express. I supposed they wanted to go there, but wasn't sure since there was a Subways and Wendy's close to it. I looked over my shoulder. 'Where do we go?' Sunstreaker shrugged. 'You chose Panda Express, it's fine with us.' I halted and pivoted. 'But where did you wanted to go?'
'It doesn't matter. It's your pick and you can use some food. You're skin and bones.' I bristled. 'I'm not!' I was pretty sure he was rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. 'Yeah you do! I can count your ribs and you barely have an ass.' Sideswipe tensed. I showed my fangs. 'Save me your I am going to murder you speech and start walking.' I trailed after them this time, scowling at Sunstreaker's arrogance and directness. Fucker.

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