🐺 Chapter 18. Facing Lennox

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"Get out!"

I yelped as I collapsed on the ground and looked up. "You wanted me to stay," I complained,— getting back on my feet. I thought we're heading in the right direction, but she's moody again. Skye slid out of her, her pants covered in the blood. "Make a comment I will scratch your eyes out!" She hissed. I raised my hands in peace and sat down, rubbing my eyes while she refreshed herself.

I dressed up too and decided to wait and see how she's doing after a shower. She looked at me as she walked out. "Better?" I asked. She gave a small nod and collected some of her stuff, ordering her room before she grabbed her shoes. "Okay, let's get some breakfast, okay?"
She nodded without vocally replying. I guess that if I don't push her too much, she'll be fine today. Last thing I want is an angry wolf. Full moon is coming in two days as well and I felt like it's affecting her already. Maybe because it will be a blood moon. She didn't want to talk about it much, so I just stopped pushing her.

Skye got up and gestured me to follow her. Usually I am the one to tell people what to do. I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but I was afraid to piss her off. She doesn't bluff and she can bite off your hand with ease if she feels like it. It's not like I never chopped someone up, but this just feels strange. I almost start to have respect for her. Almost.

Sitting down, she started eating without talking. My twin joined minutes later and flashed me a nervous and questioning look. With my eyes, I told him to sit down, which he did. "So, you're feeling better?" He asked. "Little bit," she muttered. "Nice... hey, listen. So, Lennox approached me and he asked if there's a possible way you can... talk to him?" He asked nervously and flashed her a sheepish smile.

"Talk to him?" She repeated disgustedly. "Yeah... you know vocally not with your teeth?" It sounded more like a question. A low dangerous growl escaped from Skye and she tapped with her nails on the wooden table.
Watching some of her bones shift, made me nauseous, especially the cracking sound that came with it. I looked back at my plate. "I got to go." She got up and left.

"I think her anger triggered a transformation," Sideswipe mumbled, half grinning. I didn't see the fun of it. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock," I scowled and rolled my eyes. "This is going to be a challenge, shall I talk to Lennox?" He asked. "You know, she will scratch his eyes out if not slicing his throat open. Especially in this state but he's in the verge of throwing her out of the base. So, why don't we tell him she's coming to see him... later today?" I suggested.

"Oh, so you think her mood will change later today?" He mocked. "I hope, okay! What else can we do?" I snapped. "Not much. Obviously, we can't force her to see him or to be nice. She's too stubborn and what happened is going deeper than expected." I stared at Sideswipe for a while until I decided to finish eating my food.

Lennox approached us before we had discussed our plan. 'Where is she?' He asked. 'Yeah, about that. She'll come to see you later today,' Sideswipe said. 'I mean... around 10 PM,' Sideswipe added sheepishly. 'That's 13 hours later. I want to see her within an hour or I'll kick her out,' he snapped. 'Why can't you just accept the fact she hates you? The sooner you accept, the better it is for everyone. You think she'll change when you kick her out? She lost someone she cared about. Let her hate you for that. Just give her some space,' I added. 'I've been trying to be polite and patient, but that's over. I don't care what you do, but make her see me within an hour or I swear, she'll end up where she belongs.'

'Great...' Sideswipe scowled. 'We could try to talk to Skye on more time,' I suggested. 'Yeah, let's try that,' he muttered. Skye was hard to find, but we found her in the gym 20 minutes later. 'Is there a possible way we can talk to you for a second?' She stopped her work-out. 'Three minutes,' she scowled. 'You need to see Lennox. He's going to kick you out of this base. It's just really important cause alright? We don't ask you to befriend him, just to talk. That won't hurt anyone, right?'

Skye narrowed her eyes. 'Please?' Sideswipe added and offered her a sheepish smile. 'You know what... yeah, let's face him.' She pushed us aside. 'Skye! Wait...' I blocked her way. 'No teeth, no punching, not scratching and not screaming. Just try to be nice for once, can you do that?' I asked. 'No.' She pushed me out of the way. 'He's serious, he'll kick you out,' Sideswipe shouted after her. 'I don't give a shit about that. The sooner I am gone, the better it is for everyone, but first, let's slice his throat open!' She spat.

Sideswipe and I sprinted after her. 'Wait! Please.' He stopped her once again. 'Do it for me? I know... why would you do it for me, right? We want to have a change to know you. We realize you've been through a lot, doesn't trust us and... maybe don't want to bond with someone else again, but at least we wanna try to bond with you. Please... give us a change.'

Skye glanced briefly at me. 'Don't hurt him.' She sighed heavily. 'It just all doesn't matter anymore though.' She but her lips. Her facial expression switched from hate to sadness. 'It does matter. Just give us a change and we will show you we can be fun too. Maybe not in the way you are used too, but at least give us a change.' She sighed. 'Fine, whatever...' she pushed my brother out the way and prompted off.

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