Different Worlds ~Siren x Human! Reader~ Part 2

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"Who knew that a shark could be good at kissing." You teased, a small smirk plastered onto your face while the male had a pink face. He chuckled, pulling you into a kiss, which turned into a small make-out session.

"Whoa..that was good," Siren breathed, blush covered his face while his eyes darted from yours to your lips, then back to your eyes. You laughed, leaning your head onto his shoulder, your body shaking slightly from the freezing water. "Oh! That's right, humans get cold when they are in the cold water for a while." You smiled, rubbing your arms with your hands while your teeth chittered at the cold once you sat on the rock.

"T-thanks.." you stuttered out, squeezing the water out of your hair. He smiled, nodded his head, and watching you in amazement. All of your actions surprised him since he'd never seen or talked to a human, but you changed it and he was happy that he could see you every day.

"Are you doing anything this week?" The MerShark asked, watching you get up and cracking your back slightly. You nodded, bending down to him and pointing to a different dock, further out into the water.

"My family is having a barbecue later today, you can come along if you'd like." You smiled dropping your arm and looking into his teal-gray eyes. He chuckled, wiping your lower lip to get rid of some blood from his sharp teeth.

"I'll be there. What time?"

"4:15...so in an hour or so. My cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents will be there...do you think you'll be alright?"

"Yeah! I'll be fine. I'll see you then, sweetheart."


"Mom! I called her sweetheart!" Siren gasped, shaking his mother's shoulders. She laughed slightly, putting her hands on his shoulders, making him stop shaking her.

"I know, you said that for the..20th time! You'll be fine. I'll be there with you," She smiled, cupping his face and squeezing his cheeks, making the teenager groan in annoyance and swat her hands away. "Besides, you can meet her family! And I'll know her family will love to meet you and will be completely fine if (Y/N) and you started dating" Siren sighed, nodded his head slightly, and rubbing his neck.

"Really? Thank you, mom. That means a lot" He smiled, swimming off to get ready with his mother next to him. She sighed, nodding her head.

"Where are you two heading?" Selkie asked, making the two royals jump in surprise. Both of them sighed in relief, leaning into each other while Selkie watched with a confused facial expression.

"Umm..(Y/N) is having a family barbecue..and invited us to go.." Siren blushed, scratching his cheek and looking at the floor slightly.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)...oh, (Y/N)! The girl that you talked nonstop about for six months!" She laughed, pulling a hand in the prince's shoulder. He nodded, more heat rising to his cheeks.

"You are more than welcome to come," Susca acknowledged, gently pushing her son away so he could get ready. Selkie smiled, nodding her and going with the queen to get ready.

"Are you going to use the thing or.." Selkie mumbled, looking at the queen. Susca nodded, a determined look rested on her face.


"Oh man...what will they think?! They will think I'm crazy.." you cried, walking back and forth while mumbling nonsense to yourself. Your brother groaned, watching you freak out about your relationship with a MerShark.

"You'll be fine! They probably won't care. Even though some of them are hunters for sea creatures like him." (B/N) stated, mumbling the last part in hopes you didn't hear, but you did. Both of your parents were fine with you being with a MerShark, so you didn't worry about them.

"(B/N)!" You gasped, looking at him with wide eyes. You went to open your mouth again but a voice called from the kitchen.

"(Y/N), your cousin Meghan is here!" your mom beamed, putting down a plate full of food on the island. You gasped, running outside and tackling her into a hug, completely forgetting about the lecture you were going to give your brother.

"(Y/N)! I missed you," She smiled, hugging you back. You laughed, pulling back and dragging her inside. "Got a boyfriend yet?" You blushed, opening the sliding screen door for the backyard and sitting down on the patio.

"I guess? I'm not sure.." you confessed, fiddling with your outfit slightly. She sighed, rubbing your back with a smile.

"Well, you can ask him whenever you see him! We have to go bring the food to the dock, I'll grab some plates and you'll get the containers!" She sang, going inside to get the plates to help bring to the dock. You snickered, getting up and following her inside.

Once the food was at the dock, you sat at the stairs that led to the water, stirring your drink with a teal bendy straw that you got.

"He'll show up. I know he will," Your brother whispered, sitting next to you. You grinned, punching his arm slightly. "Oh, Gram and Pop are here, Meghan told everyone that is here that you have a boyfriend." you groaned, getting up so you could annoy the hell out of her.

"So what's his name?" your 10-year-old cousin, Lizzy, asked, following you with the girl cousins behind.

"Siren...why do you want to know?" you mumbled, giving up on your search for the girl. The group giggled, watching your every movement.

"Tell us about him while we wait!" Lizzy smirked, grabbing your wrist and taking you back to the stairs that were by the water.


You sighed, letting your head hang down while your hands were at your neck. It's almost 4:45 and so sight of Siren, and you started to wonder if he changed his mind on coming or not.

"Say...you have a lover?" you groaned, sitting up and noticing someone took a seat next to you. They were a male with faint teal hair, teal-gray eyes, sort of pale skin, and a faint scar was on his left cheek. You nodded, giving him a weird look that made the male laugh, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Um..Im taken-" you started but you stopped once he started talking.

"Wow, can't even remember what your boyfriend looks like..ow." he joked, making your eyes widen.

"Siren?!" you gasped, looking him up and down and see that he wasn't a MerShark. He nodded, letting out a laugh. You smiled, quickly kissing his lips and putting your hands on his shoulders.

"You look good. Wait..why didn't you tell me about this?! We could have used this to help you get escape!" You whispered yelled, squeezing his shoulders.

"I forgot about it! Besides, I wanted to see your reaction." He whispered back, a subtle smirk rested on his face.

"You little bi-"

"Don't say that. There are kids here, dear."

"Just...please don't show anyone your MerShark form, just yet. I'd like to wait until we show them." You sighed, looking Siren up and down again, then looking into his eyes. He nodded, freezing at the sudden sound of girls screaming.

"There's (Y/N) boyfriend!" Meghan cried, pointing at the two of you and watching the group of girls run over to ask you both questions.

"Told you he'll show up!" Your brother smirked, putting his hand out and sliding some money that one of the male cousins handed to him into his back pocket. Your dad laughed, patting his son's back.

"Wow. You have a huge family." Susca blinked, seeing the group of girls surrounding her son and you.

"Yeah. I don't know if I should be scared or not." Selkie mumbled, taking a sip of her drink.

"It's chaotic but, you'll get used to it." Your mother laughed, flashing them a warm smile.

"Hopefully." Your dad mumbled, elbowing your mom before walking off to talk to his brothers.

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