Chapter 21

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They sat in a booth at a bar not too far from their house, Owen and Anya on one side and Claire on the other as they all sipped beers.

Claire went to speak but Anya cut her off as she leaned into Owen's side.

"We already know why you're here Claire."

She looked up in surprise, blue eyes wide.

"Lockwood's little flunky already called us. Rescue op. Save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode," Owen finished.

"So, then you understand that -"

"What I understand, is that you're trying to convince us to go back to an island where we both lost everything," Anya interrupted again only to have Owen elbow her as she tried not to smile. "Almost everything," she corrected.

"I'm going," Claire said.

"Of course, you are," Anya scoffed as she brought her beer to her lips

"Don't," Owen advised.

"I don't have a choice," Claire defended.

"Of course, you have a choice!" Owen said annoyed, brows furrowed as he frowned.

"What, so I should just run from the world and build a house and drink beer and play pool all day, while these dinosaurs go extinct?!" Claire sassed.

Damn straight they were running.

That island killed Anya's father and almost killed them. They weren't about to go back.

But Anya had to admit, she liked this knew Claire that didn't prance around all social interaction as if it was a business deal. This Claire at least talked back and made arguing with her fun.

"Don't forget the sex," Anya smirked as she drank, Owen smirking at her as his free hand wrapped low around her waist, thumb tucked into the waistband of her pants.

"And pool is fun. We like pool," he added.

"Blue is alive."

And all smiles fell.

"You're using Blue against us?" Owen asked, borderline angry as their raptors were still somewhat of a sore subject for both of them.

"You both raised her. You spent years of your lives working with her. Your father had her created because you asked. And you're just going to let her die?" Claire responded and Anya's hand tightened around her bottle.

"Don't you dare bring up my father."

Owen began rubbing her back, trying to help ease the anger from his girlfriend as Claire said, "You're both better people than you think you are."

"You should write fortune cookies," Owen remarked and despite it all, Anya had to smile. His ability to make her laugh and forget about any situation always amazed her, especially when he could go from being serious to being comical.

"Forget it," Claire said sadly, admitting defeat. "There's a charter flight leaving tomorrow morning. You're both on the manifest. I just wanted to let you know."

And with that, she walked out as the couple turned to each other.

"What do you think?" Anya asked him.

"Rani, this is Blue we're talking about. Of course, I want to save her but I'm not leaving you behind. So, either we both go, or we both stay. The house and the lake will still be here when we get back."

"If we get back," Anya said gravely as she drained her bottle.

"Hey, of course we'll make it," Owen said sitting up straighter.

"My father didn't," she said sadly.

"I know, but you did," Owen replied as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "And so did I. Who's to say we won't again?"

"Mother Nature when she makes that volcano erupt while we're on the island."

Owen only rolled his eyes.

"Stop. Look. We get in, we get Blue, we get out. It'll be ok."

"Famous last words, Owen Grady, famous last words," she said giving him a small smirk and he smiled. "But if you're that convinced that we can do it, then let's do it."

His grin only grew bigger as his fingers settled on her chin and he guided her lips to meet his. 


Night had fallen and their bags were packed when Anya woke to a cold bed.

Dressed in only one of Owen's shirts, she made her way to the small table near the kitchen where Owen sat at his computer, watching old videos of the two of them and their baby raptors.

Hands pressed down on Owen's shoulders before sliding down his chest as his hands reached up to interlink with Anya's, bringing them to his lips as they both stared at the screen.

"I should be mad that you're watching these without me, but I happen to love you, so..."

"Well, I'm glad for that then," Owen joked as he pulled her around to sit on one of his legs, hand on her hip.

Owen wore tall leather boots to protect him from their teeth and claws as he tossed food to the hyperactive raptor babies, reprimanding and talking to them as he did. Anya wasn't in the shot, but you could hear her laugh from behind the camera before she set it down and stepped into the frame to play with the raptors.

"You'd make such a good father," Anya smiled as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, listening to how fatherly his voice sounded in the video.

"And you'd make an amazing mother," he returned as he nuzzled his nose into her neck and Anya couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't know about that, but if I was unsure about going back before, I'm not now. We have to save her. Blue is as close to a child as we're ever going to get."

Owen removed his face from her neck.


She shook her head at him as she sighed. "For now," she corrected.

They turned back to the computer as they watched as Anya talked to the raptors only for Blue to chirp at her sisters and for them to fall in line in front of her.

"Did you get that?" she'd asked Owen who'd taken over holding the cameras before the footage cut to Owen on the floor as he hand-fed Blue from his palm.

"We'll get our girl back," she promised him as she pressed a kiss to his temple.

"I got my girl right here," Owen said before scooping Anya up into his arms as she giggled. Giggles that were silences as they kissed, and her hands cupped his face.

And to bed they went. 

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