Chapter 28

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Claire and Franklin turned, having narrowly escaped the Baryonyx that tried to kill them inside the locked radio tower.

"RUN!" Owen yelled as he and Anya came tearing down the hill, and from the cloud of ash and smoke behind them came a stampede of dinosaurs. 

"RUN!" Anya screamed as Claire and Franklin yelped before breaking into a run.

And soon, they weren't just dodging the falling trees that were trampled by the dinosaurs of every size, but they were dodging flying chunks of rock and lava that were spewed from the volcano.

They then took shelter behind an abandoned Gyrosphere that had behind sitting next to a massive fallen tree trunk.

Anya clung to Owen as they heaved, Franklin and Claire holding onto each other as they panted, looking from left to right as the dinosaurs jumped over the logs in a frantic effort to escape the volcano.

Claire and Franklin began screaming, Franklin grabbing onto one of Anya's arms as the tree trunk was destroyed, piece by piece with every dinosaur that charged at it rather than went over it.

And then there was nothing left but the Gyrosphere as the animals ran around it.

"Go! Go!" Anya yelled to Franklin and Claire as the Gyrosphere was bumped into its upright position.

"Get in!" Claire screamed as they buckled up, Owen then pushing Anya inside, her half-sitting on Franklin and half sitting on the console that divided the two seats, but before he could get in, he froze.

A Carnotaurus stood in front of them, its horns caked in dry blood as it growled lowly, moving closer toward Owen, who'd pressed himself to the back of the Gyrosphere before the Carnotaurus roared and charged at a Sinoceratops nearby.

They fought brutally as the Sinoceratops knocked down the Carnotaurus only for it to bite at the Sinoceratops' leg and send them crashing into the Gyrosphere.

Owen ducked out of the way as the two duelling dinosaurs bumped into the Gyrosphere and sent it rolling.

He ran for it, only for the circular door to be pushed shut as the sphere rolled upright.

There were looks of horror, especially on Owen and Anya's faces as she pressed her hands to the glass.

As the Sinoceratops ran away, Owen turned to the Carnotaurus who was back on its feet as it roared at them.

But before it could lunge, a louder roar sounded as Rexane appeared, her teeth clamping around its neck, the Carnotaurus alive but knocked down.

"Move!" he screamed at them, and Anya's heart was in her throat as Claire thrust the joystick forward, directing the glass ball to move as her boyfriend chased behind it.

"OWEN!" Anya screamed, Franklin flinching slightly as Claire turned back to see Owen become engulfed by the cloud of smoke and ash.

Franklin's arms then wrapped tightly around her as Claire began to scream, not noticing that they had fallen off the cliff as the cloud smothered them as well.

Franklin's arms were the only thing keeping Anya from flying into the glass as the ball plunged into the cold water, only to float back up to the surface.

"We gotta get out," Claire panted urgently as she unbuckled her seatbelt and Anya stood, analysing the structure of the sphere for potential weak points and exits.

"We just fell off a cliff. We're alive. We're alive!" Franklin rambled, before the Gyrosphere began to sink and the pressure of the water forced itself inside, leaks springing everywhere.

"NO! No, no, no, no, no!" Franklin exclaimed as he pushed frantically on the glass. "We're gonna sink! Water's leaking! We're gonna drown!"

And then as if it couldn't get any worse, pieces of magma spewed from the volcano landed on the glass, melting through it and letting in more water.

"Franklin watch out! We need to get out of here!" Claire panicked.

"Both of you shut up!" Anya yelled as she pulled a knife from her boot. "The more you panic, the more air you use up and the more screwed we are," she said as they furiously tried to control their breathing.

"Owen!" Claire yelled suddenly and Anya's heart filled with hope and relief as her boyfriend appeared, holding his breath as he held up a gun and gestured for them to move aside.

Owen fired two shots, both springing leaks but the second one ricocheted, grazing his arm as he dropped the gun.

"Owen," Anya exhaled as she pressed herself against the glass, her boyfriend gesturing that he was ok and going up for air as Anya willed anger to flood her veins as she hefted her knife.

They were almost out of oxygen as Anya began stabbing at the weakened glass that Owen shot, her clothes soaked, and her body chilled to the bone as the glass began to crack.

Anya took her final breath as Claire tried to calm Franklin and Owen returned, taking out his own knife as he tried to slide the door open.

Franklin and Claire grabbed on the frame as they began kicking at the glass, until finally, it popped off.

Claire was out first, Anya then pushing Franklin out.

Owen reached out his hand, Anya gripping it tightly as she was pulled out and the sphere sunk.

Her lungs screamed as she swam furiously for the surface, knife still in hand, only to burst into a coughing fit as she broke it.

They were alive. 

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