Chapter 38

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Owen soundlessly pulled the door open, revealing a room full of dinosaur skeletons on display; an in-house museum.

But what scared them was the dead body of a guard lying on the floor, a gun a fingertip from his hand.

And as they crept towards it, Owen down low ready to grab the gun and bolt, the body was pulled away and they dived behind a statue base, the Indoraptor growling as it finished the last of its meal before beginning to sniff around.

It hissed as it snapped its head around to the side that the group had been hiding behind, but not finding them there as they scurried around the base, Owen daring to reach for the gun, but Anya pulled him back.

Because the Indoraptor was climbing onto the statue above them.

Its talons scraped on the bone as it stood, scanning the room, when the guards discarded radio went off and it looked down.

"RUN!" Owen screamed as it roared at them, and they bolted for the spiral staircase as the Indoraptor jumped, slipping on the marbled floors as it roared, jagged teeth stained with blood.

And then it jumped onto the bars that surrounded the spiral staircase, the steel poles bending.

Maisie and Claire had gone up but Owen had been pinned down, the metal bar being the only thing preventing the snapping jaws of the Indoraptor from eating him.

Anya's boot then met its nose as it fell back to the floor and she pushed Owen up the stairs, the raptor jumping back up onto the bars and through the railing on the second floor.

Its talons scraped on the wood floors as it brought its nose to the ground, sniffing as the claw on its back foot tapped a rhythmic sound as velociraptors did.

And as it kept searching, it didn't see Owen crack open a hidden door and spy on it before closing it and climbing back down the ladder to where the rest of the girls were hidden.

They were hidden in a room inside one of the exhibits on the bottom floor as the Indoraptor chirped, the sound different to the way Blue called, deeper and almost crueller.

Owen had his arms around Maisie when Anya spotted a control panel on the wall behind them.

The others turned to watch as she soundlessly pulled the cover from it and lifted a hand to where the lighting control was printed in big black letters.

And she turned it off.


Owen ran across the display first, before gesturing the girls to follow after him.

But when they went to walk across the second display case, Owen couldn't get the door open.

And then the lights came on.

And Maisie screamed.

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