Bonus chapter 19.

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3 days. 

3 fucking days of madness, longing, immense worry and fear. 

I am going crazy without Camila and I don't think I can keep myself together any longer. Bambinos miss her so fucking much. Angelica, Ariana and Max quickly grasped that their mum isn't home and now it takes hours to soothe them down, they don't eat as unproblematical as they used to, they refuse to leave my arms when they are awake and actually cry when someone else attempts to touch them. 

House is like a void without her mellifluous giggles, sweet voice and soothing, warm presence. I need her comforting, balmy touch; mellow embrace; passionate kisses; profound words of comfort and reassurance; genuine confession of her true, bottomless, unconditional, everlasting love for me; sweet, yet spicy fragrance - I need my wife back, our little ones need their mum back. I cannot put into words how fucking worried about Cami and our triplets I am. 

I don't sleep. I simply cannot, even though my body tells me that I could go for 12+ hours of sleep. For 3 days I've been searching for Camila without stopping, my men have been turning Italy upside down for 72 hours without breaks. 

And I still have not even the tiniest clue.

"Shh, sleep, amico."- I cooed Maximiliano, rocking him gently in my arms as he is finally slowly falling asleep. 

"Here is a bottle, papá."- said quietly Martina with a lovely smile, handing me his bottle with formula. 

"Grazie mille, mia piccola farfalla."- I replied softly, leaving down to kiss her cheek before she hugged me mellowly, watching her little brother. (Thank you very much, my little butterfly.) 

I fed Max his evening formula and once he finished eating, he was soundly asleep. I laid him in his crib and tucked him in. Then I made sure monitor is on before heading with my daughter to her room to set her in bed. Others are asleep already; she was finishing up changing for bed, so hence why she is still up. 

In a few minutes Tini was sleeping peacefully and I went to the study, getting back to maps, surveillance cameras, codes and programming. 

"Everyone is asleep?"- asked Sebastian, looking just as exhausted as all of us. 

The brothers and I spend hours in my study. They are staying here and tend to leave for basic things, like shower and to eat something, they also nap from time to time. I only shower, change clothes, brush my teeth, drink peppermint tea in litres per day. I cannot stomach anything, but kids keep making sure I eat at least something for breakfast, being such sweethearts. 

We carried on looking for Cami, flipping everything upside-down over and over again, rereading and rewatch same things again and again. 


I whimpered, my eyes opening with so much difficulty. Pain shoot through my body like knives. 

I looked around in fear, tensing up as I saw a cell. My arm is bleeding and hurts like hell. 

"No."- I whispered in horror, blinking away tears at the sight of empty wrist. 

My Russo bracelet is gone. 

"Schlafende Schönheit ist endlich wach."- stated all too familiar voice as man walked in the cell.    (Sleeping beauty is finally awake.) 

I tensed up more, my eyes watering at the sight of that monster.

"There is no running back, pear. Your bracelet-chip is gone. I admit, your hubby is very smart man. It took me years to finally realise why the fuck he found you every single time you got kidnapped."- mumbled smugly Harold, leaning on the wall in front of the bars. 

"You won't get away with this. Leo will find me and he will slaughter you."- I said surely, not letting this get to me. 

I am much stronger emotionally and physically. I am better at self-defence and I won't let anyone put their hands on me. 

"Oh, I don't even doubt it, but it will be a long while until he find his precious wife."- he responded, making my heart drop. 

"Now, here is how this is going to work, pear: you either tell me where your hubby keeps all documents on his empire or I drag the information out of you and trust me, I have very good methods."- stated Gustos, his eyes on the table that is filled with all kinds of knives, needles, liquids and a gun.

"And don't play stupid blonde. I know that he trusted you with that information. He fucking adores you and trusts you with his life."- he warned me, glaring at me. 

I indeed know where those papers are, I indeed know all codes and passwords, I have seen them all on multiple occasions. 

But I will never ever betray Leo. I will never backstab him and turn my back on Famiglia. 

But at the same time I know that I am already bleeding from my arm and I am pregnant. I cannot put triples in danger. 

"Think twice about this. You could stand by my side, we could rule the world."- mumbled Gustos, eyeing my body, making me shift in disgust. 

"I will never betray my husband."- I spoke confidently, adoring Leo too much to fail him. 

"Suit yourself, blondie. You had a chance, you blew it."- he sneered angrily, approaching the table with torture tools. 


I turned the globe around again, my mind going crazy. I feel like shit, beyond my lowest. 

As globe stopped, central Europe popped in my sight and my heart skipped a beat in realisation. 

"Fanculo."- I muttered, grinning as I began recalling all bits and pieces. 

I dashed out of my study, dealing Dante in rush while nearly running to the bedroom, then closet to change. 

"Pack your shit, take as many men as you can. We are leaving now, I will meet you in the airport."- I rushed to say while zipping my black jeans, soon hanging up. 

I quickly wore black T-shirt and secured holster around my waist, putting 3 guns in it. I took 5 knives and dialled madre, asking her to come over with Mercedes to keep an eye on bambinos and she agreeing, saying that they will be over in 15 minutes.

I left kids a note, knowing that it will soothe their worry, and left the house in rush, getting in black Lamborghini in hurry. 

After mere 6 minutes of driving on full speed along empty, nighttime roads of Florence, I arrived at the airport, just in time for my men, brothers-in-law and their men to arrive too.

"What's going on?"- asked Miguel as we took our seats, buckling up. 

"I know where Cami is."- I said, every inch of me burning and aching to get my love back home, hold her in my arms where she is safe and sound. 

"Germany."- I answered before explaining everything to them. 

From how that fucker Tobias Gustos attended to rape Camila to how I killed him. I told them about the alliance, which the Gustos's pathetic gang wanted, and how I denied it after what that moron did. 

We discussed the plan and in matter of a few minutes Emanuel found where that strozzo's hideout if - Hamburg. All of us made rational, safe plan, going over every detail over and over again to make sure we have no slip ups. 

This is going to end soon. 

I am coming for you, amore mio. Just hold on for me for just a little bit more, baby. 

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