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I woke up to delicate, exceedingly soothing rubbing on my back and sound of waves crashing against the yacht. 

"Good morning, bambina."- spoke fruity, coarse, velvety voice that sounds million times sexier in the morning. 

"Good morning, amore."- I replied, smiling contentedly. 

What a sight to wake up to. 

Midnight black, shiny, soft hair is messy, yet it looks so good. Sun-kissed, dewy, clear skin is as silky as ever and sunlight highlighted his razor-sharp facial featured just right, adding so much irresistibleness to him. Vigorous, rock-hard, muscular body is powerful, majestic and mouth-watering. His spicy, warm, alluring fragrance is so titillating and mixed with his natural, exceptionally appealing scent. 

"You are mine."- I grinned joyfully and proudly, getting charming smile in reply. 

"All yours, baby."- he confirmed, making me gin wider and hug him tightly. 

Leonardo rolled me to lay on top of him and I giggled as his masculine, warm hands took hold of my bum, but not before giving it delicate squeeze. 

"Only and forever mine."- stated proudly and happily Leo as I nodded, giggling, and peppered his dreamy face with kisses, getting bright smile in return. 

"We should check up on bambinos."- I told him, being very comfortable in his strong arms, nestled on top of him. 

"Definitely."- he agreed as it's somewhere past 8AM. 

I reached for whatever phone was nearest, which happened to be his, and smiled at his wallpapers. On lock screen there is photograph of the two of us: we are facing each other, his muscular arms are around my waist and mine are around his neck; we are sharking sweet kiss. The photo was taken on the Father's Day during one of our dates. 

"I really like this photograph."- I told him, grinning joyfully. 

"The feeling is mutual, principessa."- stated softly Leo, adding kiss on my cheek. 

I unblocked his phone. Sì, we know each other's passwords - date of our second, intimate, beach wedding. It's something that only we and our bambinos know about. We haven't told anyone about that memorable, romantic, heartwarming event because it's very personal and special  to us. 

On the home screen he has picture of our big, incredible family: Tini is my arms and Mateo and Adriano are in Leo's arms, while Domenico is on his shoulders with his small arms around his dad's neck; we all are smiling widely. This photo was taken during our little get-away to Rome and I have the same one on my home screen. 

I opened FaceTime and just in time for our kids to call us. 

"Ciao, mamma e papà."- spoke softly boys, being pretty quiet. (Hi, mammy and daddy!)

"Ciao ragazzi. Come va? Va tutto bene?"- we replied with smiles and they nodded. (Hey, guys. How are you doing? Is everything okay?) 

"Tini sta dormendo e non volevamo lasciarla in pace."- told us Adriano, making us smile wider. (Tini is sleeping and we didn't want to leave her alone.) 

He showed us our little princess, who is comfily nuzzled between Mateo and Adriano and is hugging her unicorn tightly. She is practically hidden underneath the covers and looks so cute. 

"I nonni sono svegli?"- asked Leo, glazing his soft fingertips along my spine in such tender and soothing manner. (Are grandparents awake?) 

"Sì. Sono venuti a controllare su di noi e abbiamo detto loro che scenderemo al piano di sotto quando la sorella si sveglia."- replied Domenico with happy smile. (Yes. They came to check on us and we told them that we will come downstairs when sister wakes up.) 

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