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Ringing of my phone woke me up. I mentally cursed before quickly picking it up, so Camila won't wake up. Martin is calling me; what the fuck can't wait 3 more days?! 

I carefully got out of bed and kissed Cami's cheek before going to the terrace to answer the call. 

"Make it quick, Martin."- I said sternly, feeling so damn drowsy.

"We have location of Russian's base in Rome and if you get here sooner, you can even catch his father."- answered Martin and I cursed. 

"Will he be there til Wednesday?"- I asked and ran my hand through my hair.

"Sì. He will be in Rome til Friday, but keep in mind that we have no plan and that trip takes time too."- he answered and I sighed.

"We will be in Florence in 2 days, Martin. Make flight arrangements."- I said before hanging up. 

I promised to take Camila to her family after our honeymoon, which came to its end unfortunately, and I plan on fulfilling that promise. Seems like there will be small changes. I called the pilot and asked him to prepare the jet now, then I asked for our things to be packed and sent to our jet. 

After making all needed arrangements, I went back inside; I put on black jeans and grey t-shirt, along with black sneakers. I took my hoodie in navy colour, her white sneakers and went to Cami. 

I can't wake her up: she looks too cute and way too comfortable to burst her bubble. I sat next to her and gently lifter her up, laying her on my lap. I carefully slid the hoodie on her and noticed that she is waking up; she is light sleeper, just like me

"Go back to sleep, baby."- I whispered to her softly and kissed her forehead. 

Cami nodded sleepily and straddled me, clinging to me like little koala, making me smile at her adorableness. I gently rocked her while our things were being packed. When sailboat arrived, I lifted her up and placing my arms under her toned thighs as he arms remained around my neck. 

Soon we arrived at the shore and drove to the airport. Camila woke up from loud noises, but I soothed her to sleep with ease. After we boarded the jet and took off, I immediately went to the bedroom and tucked Cami in. I kissed her cheek and sat next to her, leaning on the headboard. She scooted closer to me and I smiled at her, placing one of my arms around her shoulders, caressing them with my thumb. 

Now, it is time to get some work done, so I could actually spent time with Cami and her family in Madrid. I took my laptop and sighed at tons of emails regarding legal and illegal business. I started with Mafia related things. 


I woke up to the quietest clicking of keyboard. I rubbed my eyes gently and looked up, only to see Leonardo working with fairly tired look on his handsome face. Hazel eyes that I feel deeply, madly in love with locked on mine.

"Hey, bambina."- spoke Leonardo and leaned down to kiss my forehead. 

"Hi, baby."- I said softly and hugged him securely, feeling how quickly his tense body relaxed under my touch. 

I glanced at the screen and got answers to my questions. Mafia world can wear you out to unimaginable extend. I sat up and kissed Leo's cheek. 

"How about some help."- I stated as a fact, not question. 

I reached for my laptop and leaned my head on Leonardo's bicep, tucking both of us under the covers.  

"I will take legal work."- I said with wide smile and he smiled charmingly at me. 

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