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My mood was ruined way too fucking early. At 5AM Martin called me and said that I am needed in the warehouse right now. Needless to say that I am pissed off and very irritable. 

I showered, did my routine and got dressed in black suit with black dress shirt, pairing it with black shoes made of leather. I put on the watch, which Camila gave me, fixed my band and sprayed my cologne on my neck before heading out. 

Of course, I went to my wife first. I do feel bad for waking her up this early, but I need to see her, otherwise I will be in extremely shitty mood for the rest of the day. 

I opened the door quietly and dogs woke up as it is only 5:30AM. I walked up to Cami, smiling at her adorable self. 

"Camila?"- I whispered and gently rubbed her back through silk covers. 

"Sólo 5 minutos más. 5 minutos y me levantaré."- spoke sleepily Cami. (Just 5 more minutes. 5 minutes and I will be up.)

I was fucking right: her voice sounds even better in Spanish - exceedingly sexy, velvety, pleasant and so mellifluous. 

I didn't understand what she said, but I can imagine possible meaning. Now, that also reminds me what I should do, but that's task for later.

"Bambina, woke up."- I said softly. Guess she reacts to nicknames faster than to her name; that's cute. 

Enchanting green eyes fluttered open just a little bit, scanning surrounding, but as soon as they landed on me, they opened and breathtaking smile formed on her rosy lips.

"Good morning, Leo."- spoke drowsily Camila and rolled on her side to face me. 

"Good morning, principessa. I am sorry that I woke you up so early. I wanted to see you before I go. There is emergency that requires my attention now."- I replied with soft smile. 

"Don't be sorry, Leo. I understand and I am very glad that you woke me up."- said Cami with dazzling smile that lightened up my mood. 

"I will try to see you throughout the day or call you."- I stated, getting wider smile in return.

"How about you concentrate on work and I will come to see, let's say, around lunch time?"- offered sweetly my wife and I grinned. 

"You are perfect."- I commented in gratitude. That will ease my day.

"So are you."- almost whispered Camila with dreamy smile. 

"I will text you later."- I said and kissed her forehead, remaining closely to her face. Cami looked at me with confusion.

"I am waiting for my kiss, bambina."- I stated seriously, but softly, earning adorable blush and small gasp. After seeing that I meant it, I got my kiss on the cheek and grinned. 

"That's my girl."- I spoke and rose on my feet. 

I didn't miss how her blush got more noticeable; that only proves how winsome she is. 

"Have great day, Leo."- said sincerely Camila as I walked to the door. 

"You too, principessa."- I wished her and left the room, letting her relax before she has to get up. 

I drank my coffee that Aaron made me, thanked him and got in the car before drove to work.

"What took you so long, dude? Usually you are here in 10 minutes and there you are, 20 minutes later."- whined Martin while drinking coffee. 

"I got my dose of happiness that was cut short by shit that went down, so do not push me."- I warned him coldly as we walked to the stocks. 

I am soft, caring and all of that only for Camila. The rest will have to deal with Capo. 

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