Chapter 4

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George looked at his watch. It had been 30 minutes since Viola left the room and she had not come back yet. He wanted to check on his daughter when Ian interrupted. "It's okay, George. Let Leon do it. Leon, go to the washroom and take a look at how Viola is doing." Ian ordered his son.

"Dad, I'm a guy. How can I..." Leon protested.

"You, dummy. Just bring a female attendant with you! Now go!" Ian commanded again.

Leon sighed and got up from his seat. He walked to the door and just as he opened the sliding door, Viola came in, bumping into him.

Viola jumped back and nervously apologized, "I... I'm sorry!!!" Their eyes met for a moment but she quickly looked down. She did not want anyone to notice her puffy eyes.

"Are you... okay?" asked Leon inquisitively. Viola nodded.

Is she trying to hide the fact that she just cried? Anyone who isn't blind can tell that, Leon thought.

"I'm sorry I took so long in the washroom." Viola apologized.

"It's alright, Viola. Girls can take their time as long as they want." Ian quickly assured her.

Leon was used to his father's no-limit tolerance toward any female creatures. For his two turtle pets, Rose and Valentina, he famously cleared the land of a 2 km radius from his house and created pseudo beach and pond so they could enjoy larger space for sunbathing after he found out the turtles were stressed out being confined in their small, soccer field - size pond at the back of his house. And that was just one of the many cases.

"The food is cold. Let me ask them to serve a new one for you." Ian was about to ask the server but Viola stopped him. "Thank you, Mr. Oliver. I am... not that hungry."

"Are you still feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital?" asked Ian, still concerned about Viola.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you." Viola hurriedly replied. She remembered the same anxious expression of Ian when she first met him.

Ian was the one who saved her and her father that day. After Viola lost consciousness, police reinforcements came and captured all the trouble makers. Behind the police squad was Ian, who rushed to find his friend after seeing the news.

Viola woke up in the hospital the day after, with her father and a stranger by her bed side. She immediately identified the stranger as Ian Oliver, the man behind Uni Infinitus. It appeared that Ian had used his power to save George's crumbling company and cleared his name in just one night. Viola had no idea that her father was acquainted with such a powerful man.

Ian then suggested them to move to Bellfield, her father's hometown. George was reluctant at first but eventually agreed thinking it would be better for Viola to temporarily avoid the painful memories in Mir. Viola neither agreed nor opposed to the idea. It did not matter to her where she was going to live now after she lost her home. The next day, after giving her mother a proper funeral, Viola and her father left Mir with Ian for Bellfield.


Back in the present, Viola felt the atmosphere turned awkward. Nobody knew how to start the topic.

Feeling his daughter's hesitation, George decided to speak up. "Ian, I'm sorry. It looks like both our children are not comfortable with this arrangement. I think we should..."

Ian frowned. "George, I want you and Viola to be my family."

Viola felt nervous. She too, did not think this marriage was a good idea at all. She did not know Leon personally and Leon probably did not even know she existed before. She wanted to repay Ian's kindness but she really had nothing to offer right now.

The room that was quiet as the grave a moment ago suddenly turned animated with the two old friends arguing in the background.

"Ian, our family can still be together as friends. If you ever need..." George interrupted.

Ian fought back. "I told you I want..."


Their fight was abruptly stopped by the soft mumble coming from Leon. He was knocking on the table with his fingers, staring at Viola straight in the eyes. Viola was frightened but could not seem to avert her eyes from Leon.

"You want to return us a favor?" Leon continued, still fixing his captivating brown eyes on Viola.

Viola slowly nodded.

"Then let's get married."

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