Chapter 43

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Viola stepped out of the pastry shop after fixing the pick-up date. As she walked back to the florist, she thought about what the helper girl in the shop had said.

"Do you want to write something on top of the cake?" The girl had asked.

"Oh... yes. Please write 'Happy Birthday' on it." Viola replied.

The girl tilted her head to the side. "Is that all?" Viola did not understand her question.

"Aren't you the birthday guy's wife? Our customers usually add 'My Love', 'I Love You' or some other cheesy words." The girl scratched her head, trying to remember the words she had piped before.

Viola blushed. "Oh... we are not... in that kind of relationship."

"Hmm? I never understand how you rich people got married to each other but, you personally came here to order his favorite cake. That tells a lot." The girl said as she took note about the chocolate writing. "You seem to care for this person." She keyed in the order on the screen in front of her.

Viola twisted her fingers. "He is... kind to me so..."

"You like him?" The girl was now grinning at her.

Viola's cheeks turned pink. "I... I don't know."

"You sure you don't want to add some other words on the cake?" The girl asked again.

Viola hesitated.

"If you change your mind, just come back and let me know. Here is the receipt." The girl handed the receipt paper to Viola. Viola made the payment, thanked her and quickly left the shop.

Viola was standing in front of Uni Infinitus building, which was just across her workplace. She looked up, trying to locate the floor where Leon was probably sitting inside, behind his desk. Leon... She thought about the girl in the shop again. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and made her way back to the pastry shop again.

"Madam, you are back." Aria opened the door as she saw Viola walking passed the front gate.

"Thank you, Aria. Is Leon home?" Viola asked as she changed her winter boots for indoor slippers.

"No, young master hasn't come back yet." Aria shook her head.

"Is that so..." Viola murmured. Ever since Mir Islands Project was halted, Leon was hardly at home. Even if he was, his mind seemed to be wandering somewhere else. Every time Viola tried to make him talk, he would tell her not to worry and went back to his work. Viola ate her dinner alone and went upstairs to sleep afterwards.

A week later

Mia, Leon's secretary, was sitting at her station in front of Leon's office, looking worried. She wondered if today would be her last day working there. Just an hour ago, she had let in... no... a guest had forced her way into the room behind her regardless how she tried to stop her. Both of them had not come out since. She was pulling her hair, thinking hard how to explain her situation when she heard a ping sound coming from the elevator. She raised her head and saw Viola coming out of the private elevator. She quickly stood up to welcome her.

"Mrs. Oliver! Good afternoon." She smiled nervously. Viola smiled back at her. "Are you here to see Mr. Oliver? He is seeing a... guest now... urm... would you like..." Mia did not know how to explain to Viola who was in the room with her boss now.

"I... I see. I can wait if it's not too long." Viola glanced at her watch. There were only 20 minutes until her break time was over. Mia told her she did not know how long the guest will stay. Her eyes traveled to the paper bag Viola was holding. Golden Sugar. Mr. Oliver's favorite patisserie. Mia noticed.

"Oh, this is for him. Do you mind keeping this for me for a while? I think I... will come back again after work." Viola asked and handed the bag over to the secretary. Mia smiled widely. She took the bag from Viola. A birthday cake. She deduced. It was her boss' birthday today. She tried to imagine his happy reaction when he received the cake... and failed. Four years ago, the Chairman prepared a surprise party for him, and he was banned from his office for three months.

Mia stole a glance at the big wooden double door behind her, feeling uneasy. She shook off the feeling. "I'll keep this in the pantry for you, Madam." She said as she pointed next door.

"Thank you." Viola nodded and the secretary disappeared to the pantry. Viola glanced at her watch again. "I guess I'll come back later." She turned her heels, walking towards the elevator. As she was about to enter the elevator, she heard a familiar voice shouting from behind the door.

"My father can help you! Why are you so stubborn?"

"Sarah, you know yourself what your father is thinking."

"What's the problem with it? He likes you. We can go back together. We were once engaged anyway. You can just send that girl back to Mir." Sarah proposed.

"I'm not abandoning her."

"You can still help her without being married to her!"

Leon did not answer.

"Leon, you know how Uni Infinitus has lost a lot of money for that failed project. You need..."

"The project has not failed, it is just postponed." Leon shrugged his shoulder.

"For indefinite time."

Leon got up from his seat. "Please help me thank your father for the offer but we will work it out ourselves."


"You really should go now. I have things to do." Leon ignored her and poured himself a glass of water.

Sarah clenched her fist. "Why? Why do you care so much for her?? You married her for the project but you also threw the project away because of her without thinking twice!"

"Like I said, I did not..." Leon was tired of explaining.

"Then why did you pursue that criminal for her? It's not even your problem! It's that woman's family problem. But you insisted and look, what did you get? You knew the consequences. You put everyone's hard work into nothing! Just because of her! She is worse than being useless!" Sarah shouted.

Behind the door, Viola stood motionless. She could not move. All her body felt numb. What actually... Suddenly she heard footsteps coming closer.

"Mrs. Oliver?" The secretary was back. "You look pale. Are you alright?"

"I... I am okay." Viola smiled weakly. "I... I am leaving." She walked to the elevator and pressed the button absentmindedly. Her heart was racing. She rummaged through her bag for her phone. She wanted to confirm what she had just heard. She scrolled through her contacts and pressed to call Ian Oliver.

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