Chapter 18

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Viola woke up lying on the sofa, covered in her coat this morning. The unfamiliar place shocked her a little – but slowly, the memories from yesterday came back to her. She had fallen asleep in Leon's office!

"You are awake." Leon, who was sitting across her, was reading on his phone. He looked like he had just finished cleaning himself and had changed into a new set of clothing.

"Good... morning." Viola murmured softly. She was embarrassed, her hair and clothes were disheveled.

"Tidy up yourself. I'm calling Tom in." said Leon, his eyes were still focused on his phone.

Viola nodded awkwardly and ran to the washroom to wash her face. Her hair was in bad shape so she just loosely tied it up into a ponytail. When she went back into Leon's office, Tom was already there talking to Leon. Not wanting to disturb the two, Viola grabbed her coat and bag from the sofa and tiptoed to the entrance without saying anything.

"Where do you think you are going?" Leon asked from behind his table.

Not again. Viola turned her head and smiled awkwardly. "I... I'm going home."

Leon murmured something to Tom and they walked together towards Viola, to the entrance. Tom excused himself and left the room. Leon grabbed Viola's hand and led her to the dining table.

"Leave after you have your breakfast." Leon took a seat across Viola and started reading a newspaper.

"Fine..." Viola felt awkward. This was the first time they ate together after that fateful dinner when they first met.

Someone knocked at the door and after announcing himself, a man entered, pushing in a cart full of food enough to feed 10 people. The man laid out the food one by one on the table. There was a basket full of different kinds of bread and pastries, followed by salad, cut fruits, eggs fried, boiled, poached and scrambled, cold cuts, fruit juices, milk, tea, coffee and many more than Viola could handle. The man left after he was done, leaving Leon and Viola alone.

"These are too much..." Viola murmured to herself.

"Eat what you like." Leon folded the newspaper, leaving it on the side and began drinking his milk.

Viola grabbed a piece of bread and started nibbling on it. Though they ate in silence, their eyes would sometimes meet when Viola stole a glance at him from time to time. When that happened, she would quickly look down to her plate to avoid his gaze. After what felt like forever, Viola grabbed her apple juice and drank it in one go.

"I... I am done." Viola dabbed her mouth with a napkin and stood up. She was too nervous to eat in front of Leon.

"You just ate a piece of bread." Leon gave her a questioning look.

"I... I am full... I don't usually eat much... for breakfast... I won't disturb you any longer." Viola was about to walk away when Leon caught her hand.

"Wait here. I'll see you off when I'm done eating."

Viola returned to her seat and watched Leon slowly savoring his food. She wondered if it was the right time to ask Leon about yesterday's events.

"What is it?" Leon asked. He was aware of Viola's intense gaze at him.

Viola was startled. She twisted her fingers under the table before she began to speak. "Umm... about Walter..." Viola carefully raised the subject.

"We are still looking for him." Leon replied curtly.

"And about those... bodyguards you hired. I... I feel... uncomfortable... having people I don't know around me..." Viola bit her lip.

Leon put down his cutlery and looked at Viola in the eyes. "Rest assured the bodyguards are there to protect you, not spying on you and your ex-boyfriend."

Leon's remark made Viola angry. "That's... that's not what I mean! And... it was a coincidence! I didn't come here to meet Walter!"

"It doesn't matter." Leon replied. His tone was cold.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter?" Viola did not understand why she felt hurt by Leon's words.

Leon dabbed his mouth with a napkin and rose from his seat.

"Wait!" Viola called, seeing Leon was about to leave.

"Is there more?" Leon asked coldly.

Viola hesitated. She had tons of question but she knew Leon was not in the mood to answer them. She looked down and slowly shook her head. She grabbed her bag and coat. "I want to go home."

"Everything is ready, Sir." Tom greeted them at the entrance of the building. A luxurious looking sedan was waiting for them. Viola recognized the shiny black car as Leon's.

As they stepped outside the building, Viola shivered. It was snowing outside and compared to the heating system-equipped building she just left, the weather outside felt significantly colder. A chauffeur came up to open the door as they approached the car.

"Viola..." Viola was about to enter the car when Leon called.

Viola turned her head. Her puzzled eyes met with Leon's. Leon did not say anything. He just silently staring at her.

Seeing Leon did not respond, Viola asked impatiently. "What is it?" She wanted to get into the car quickly. Her hands already felt numb and with her hair tied up in ponytail, her neck was exposed to the cold. Viola shivered again.

Leon touched her face gently and leaned in. "I'm sorry." He whispered into Viola's ear softly. Her skin felt his warm breath and made her heart beat wildly. Leon did not stop. He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her neck. Viola jumped back unconsciously and covered her neck with her hand. "Wha... what..."

Leon pulled the scarf from his neck and wrapped it around her neck. "Be careful not to catch a cold."

He turned and walked back into the building while Viola was left dazed and confused. What was that all about?

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