Chapter 23 - Father's Domains

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"Never thought I would see the mythical Batcave. How have you hid this from me for so long?" John inquired, browsing through Batman's collection of displayed Trophies.

"Fate put wards up for me to keep people like you out." He deadpanned, pulling up footage from the Bat Computer.

"Bloody Hell Bruce, is that a dinosaur? An actual dinosaur? How'd you even manage than one, chap?"
"Long story. Can you tell me what you know of Perseus? What is this unfinished business you have with him?" John sighed, really wanting to know how Bruce managed to get an actual Tyrannosaurus-Rex in his cave. He made his way down the platforms join Bruce by the computer and leaned against the desk.

"Where do I even start? Tell me, do you know who Etrigan the Demon is?"

"Demon who Rhymes, a demon cursed from Hell. I know the basics." John nodded while he took out a cigarette and snapped his fingers, another small flame igniting his thumb. "John, do not smoke in here." John rolled his eyes and sighed, extinguishing the flame and putting the cigarette away.

"Right, well anyways, I received a summons from him a few months back. A summons that I couldn't very well ignore."

"A summons from who?"

John had a knowing smirk on his face. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me," Bruce held John's stare for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Alright. It was from Lucifer Morningstar."

"The devil."

"Yep. He wanted my help with a little problem that had happened. A problem, by all accounts, should've been resolved with some enchanted duct tape of all things. It was supposed to be easy, but of course nothing ever is with him."

"How exactly does Perseus fit into this?" Batman inquired, not knowing where this was heading. John pulled out a flask this time, ignoring the Batman's look as he opened it and too a swig.

"Well, tell me what you know of the Doors of Death?"

"From Greek Myths? It's a door that leads from the Under World to the mortal one."

John held up a finger and shook his head. "Ah, not quite. Close though. The Doors of Death are, in fact, Greek. However they don't lead from the Under World, the lead from Tartarus. Despite what many people believe, the Under World is not the Greek's version of Hell. It's just the afterlife. Tartarus holds the title of the Greek Hell." John rubbed his neck a little before continuing.

"You see, this world has its own Doors of Death, usually located in Themyscira, guarded by Amazons for all of eternity. But they relocate all the time, never staying in one place longer then a week. Lucy needed my help because a different realities Doors found it's way to this world."

"So there were two doors on this Earth?" John shook his head and scratched at his chin.

"No, not exactly at least. A different realities Door's had relocated to our world's Door's, sort of taking them over for a bit. This was a problem because while ours our regulated, usually, nothing was known about these. To top it off, they appeared out in the open, on a beach of all places. We went to go make sure they stayed closed, but needless to say, when we showed up something came out."

"That something being Perseus."

John snapped his fingers and pointed at Bruce.

"Precisely! We tried to get him to go back through the doors, but unfortunately for us we just pissed him off. After a brief fight with Lucifer, he made sure we knew who we were dealing with, and started blabbering on about all his titles and what not. Then he just turned into mist and vanished."

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz