Chapter 14 - Conversing

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Chapter 14 - Conversing

Mount Justice

Several hours earlier

Raven wokeup from her vivid vision, a little in shock to how surreal and bloody it was. 'That was interesting to say the least,' she thought to herself as she calmed herself down.

'Percy. So that's your name.' She had also heard other names, but one stuck out the most: Gaia. She called herself a primordial, and she had a clue as to what that was.

Getting up, she decided to shower before speaking with Robin. The team was coming to the cave today for something that the League was doing, and she planned on asking him then.

Finishing cleaning up and donning a purple hoodie and black bottoms, she headed out to the main area of the cave, oblivious to how early she woke up. It was only 6 in the morning, and the only person up was Superboy.

"Morning," she greeted as she went to the kitchen.

"Morning," he returned, sipping on his coffee as he did so. That was that, so Raven decided to just grab some coffee herself and head to the living room and wait. Miss Martian was still asleep, so Raven decided to meditate. She calmed her mind and relaxed her body, thankfully her astral self stayed out and no more visions ensued.

She had lost track of time when the Zeta tube sounded, announcing the presence of Wally, Robin and Kaldur. "Sup Raven," Kid Flash waved before zooming to the kitchen to get a snack. Kaldur and Robin nodded to her before starting to follow. Raven got up and grabbed Robins hand, motioning over to the side of the room. He nodded, and followed her.

"Robin, I need to ask you something."

"Alright, go on."

"Well I've been having these visions, and there about someone. There's a few names I was going to ask you about."

"What are they?"

"One is a guy named Percy, does that name ring a bell?"

"Wait, Percy? Hold on I think Batman talked about him awhile ago." He walked over to the computer and typed the name Percy in, and an image of an older African American man showed up in the screen. "Yeah, I remember now. Percy Odell, had a couple run ins with Black Lightning, the vigilante. This the guy you've been seeing?"

She took one look at the guy and shook her head, "No, this guy is younger, Caucasian with sea green eyes and black hair." Robin just shook his head, "Well, nope. Never heard of a Percy like that. What about the other names?"

"Um, Perses and Gaia?"

"Perses and Gaia, huh?" He opened up a search engine and typed those names in. "Weird. Perses was an ancient Titan of destruction, while Gaia was a Primordial, mother of the Titans. She tried to over throw the old Olympian gods twice and failed. Basically, she was an evil Mother Earth. These sound right?"

Raven looked at the pictures on the screen, before nodding. "They looked a little different, but that's them. They both fought the other Percy, and I don't know why I keep getting visions of them. And they're random too, sometimes it'll be a long time before I have another one. What do you think it means?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I'm not the person to ask about mystical stuff. To be honest, no one on our team is. There's probably a few Leaguers you could talk to, but that would have to be up to you."

"Great, the last thing I need is people asking more questions."

"What do you mean?"

Realizing she had spoken out loud, she turned away. "Nothing. Never mind that. So, is there a mission today or something? Everyone is gathered here."

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now