Chapter 5 - Enchanted Duct Tape

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I do not own any PJO or DC Characters, Rick Riordan and DC Comics does.
Only the plot is mine

Chapter 5

Los Angeles

John and Lucifer were drinking, thinking about their first course of action in the morning on their search for the Doors Of Death. "Are you sure my magic will be enough to banish these creatures back to Tarturus?" Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Yes John, because it's either that or I'm just going to have to punch them real hard. If you want though, we could take my brother."

The blonde shook his head. "One fallen angel is enough angels for me." Lucifer smirked, "Thought so. Anyways, so the Doors stay in one place for about a week, it's already been four days counting today, so we have to start searching Los Angeles first thing in the morning. After we find a way to stop the Doors from working, we need to track down anything that managed to come to this world and send them back to their Hell."

"How exactly are we going to stop the bloody Doors from working?" The Devil shrugged, "I'm not sure, magic?"

The mystic sighed, "We'll figure it out in the morning. Wake me up when you get ready to leave. I'm taking the couch by the way." And with that, John went to the couch and promptly passed out.

That left Lucifer alone with his own thoughts. This was Tartarus, and he knew of one other he could try and talk to. Only problem, he never actually met her and he's not sure how he would convince her to not try and kill him if he showed her his devils face. He of course was talking about Diana of Themyscira.
He shook his head and stood up. He didn't need her, him and John should be enough to stop anything to come through those doors, he doesn't need a Greek Demigoddess.

And with that, he went to bed, unsure of what was to come.

The next morning

Lucifer and John were driving through LA, Lucifer claiming he was following the 'Feeling of Hell' but John wasn't so sure.

"Are you sure you're going the right way? It looks like we're going to the beach." Lucifer glared at him. "Of course were going the right way. The doors are this way, either that or a really powerful demon escaped and is at the beach." The mystic still seemed weary, especially when they parked and started walking along the coast.

"Yeah mate, I'm not sure what feeling you had, but there doesn't seem to be anything here except sand and water."

The devil grinned a devilish grin and looked at Constantine, "Are you sure about that?" Pointing ahead to what looked like a pair of elevator doors, just sitting on the sand up ahead. "No bloody way," the mystic couldn't keep his look of disbelief off his face as they got closer to the elevator that didn't seem to lead anywhere.

The Doors were black and silver, with intricate designs on them. There was a button on the door with no markings, but they could only assume it was to go down. Hell was supposed to be down anyways, that is. As John was staring at it, Lucifer turned to him. "Right, we found the doors, now do your thingy, we don't want anymore creatures roaming the Earth now do we?"

John shrugged, "I'm not sure what to do exactly. You can practically feel the power radiating off this thing. I could try to banish the Doors, but I don't think that would even work."

Lucifer just stared at the man. "Well that's just useless! No, we have to figure out a way to keep them from opening again."

"We could get some magic duct tape?"

"Brilliant idea!"

"I was kidding Lucy," John facepalmed.

"We can't just enchant duct tape to never break and slap them on those bad boys? A shame, that'd make everything so simple."

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