Chapter 24 - The New God of War

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Mt. Justice


"Make sure you keep your guard up, you have to stay light on your feet." Artemis bent down and offered Raven a hand up, one which she graciously accepted. "You have a phenomenal skill set, if we just work on your close quarters combat, you'll be a force to be reckoned with." Raven rubbed her shoulder, wincing as she did.

"Black Canary said the same thing, I just don't think I'm really cut out for physical fighting. That's why I float when I attack." Raven had spent the last hour getting her ass handed to her, and it was annoying to her that no matter how much she trained, she just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. Artemis walked over so that she was side by side with her comrade, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, this type of stuff doesn't happen overnight. People train for years to get to where they are. You aren't in a rush, either. I'm sure with the caliber of missions this team gets, you can afford to use your powers. I'm just saying, one day that might be the difference between victory and defeat." Artemis took her hand off Raven's shoulder and walked to the kitchen, getting ready to pour herself a glass of water. Raven hopped off the training grounds and followed her.

"How long did it take you?" She asked, as she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade, taking a sip.

"Hm?" Artemis turned around with a confused look on her face. "How long did it take me to what?"

"To get to where you are today. You're super skilled, and in the training room the other day, you were splitting arrows in mid-air. That had to of taken a long time, right?" Artemis had a thoughtful look on her face before she turned around and dumped the water back into the sink, tossing the glass in after.

"I guess you could say that," she muttered, mostly to herself, but Raven still heard her. Deciding that this may have been a sensitive subject for her, she decided to try and change the subject. "Hey, have you noticed Robin looking rather preoccupied lately?" When Batman had stopped by the cave a week ago to tell them to relax for the weekend, Robin had seemed distracted. When they left for the night, Robin was one of the only ones who didn't stop by the cave the following day, along with Wally, who apparently was taking some time to himself. When Robin did show up, however, it wasn't to train, or even hang out. He simply asked if the Bat had stopped by, and when Raven had told him that he didn't, he just left.

"I don't know, I haven't really seen him so I couldn't tell you. But speaking of Robin, do you by any chance know what's up with Wally? Even if he was 'taking time for himself' I feel like he would have at least stopped by the cave or something." Raven raised an eyebrow at her friend's sudden interest in the yellow-clad speedster. Artemis, seeing the look on Raven's face held up her hands and clumsily backed into the sink. "Woah, it's not because I like him or anything! He's just our teammate, you know? Our comrade, it's only right for me to be wondering where he is." Artemis could feel her face heating up and rubbed her temples in annoyance. Raven smiled and leaned against the kitchen countertop, a knowing smirk on her face.

"Is it that obvious?" Artemis asked hesitantly, feeling rather embarrassed with herself. Raven just reached over and shoved her playfully, "Not until 30 seconds ago. Way to go, cupid." Groaning, the team's Emerald Archer walked to the table, taking a seat and letting her head hit the countertop.

"That's so embarrassing," Artemis muttered to the granite, and her purple clad friend just walked over, this time patting her on the back. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure Wally's fine. He probably did something and just got grounded or something. He is a troublemaker, after all." Still, Raven did find it odd that he didn't at least call or something. Honestly though, it wasn't something she was to worried about. What the speedster did was his business, and Raven had no right to pry. She would be a hypocrite if she did.

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