Jasper (5)

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"Hey. What are we doing? All I was told is, 'we will be at your house to pick you up in ten minutes, you better be ready, otherwise I will break into your house and get you myself' and I still don't know what's happening," I said, sliding into the backseat.

"We're going shopping for Levi," Luke said.

"Okay...why are we going shopping for Levi?"

"Because apparently I need to change my look, according to Luke," Levi explained.

"Oh no, this isn't the 'Levi needs a girlfriend' thing again, right? Let the dude live."

"No..." Luke trailed off.

"Hey uh, I need to tell you something," Levi said.

"What's up?"

"Im gay."

I took a second to process, then said, "Okay. Cool. So, you need a boyfriend I suppose."

"Yes. That's why we're going shopping. Because apparently if I change my look, people will notice me, because people notice change."

"That is true."

Levi ran his hand through his dark blond hair, then continued, "Luke kind of forced me. I don't mind though."

That's when I turned to Luke, who was in the drivers seat, very focused on the road, and probably knows what I'm about to say, "You forced him?!" I exclaimed.

"I let him choose, all I did was highly encourage it."

I sighed, then said, "So, we're going shopping...because Luke wants Levi to get guys attention...no matter what Levi wants. Is that correct?"

Luke and Levi said, "No," and, "Yes," at the same time. Twins.

I rolled my eyes then continued, "I'm going with Levi on this one."

Luke turned around briefly, and said, "Traitor. I am your best friend you know, you're supposed to believe me."

"But I don't. Truth hurts, brother."

Once we arrived at the mall, Luke sprung out of the drivers seat, while Levi got out much slower, and looked like he was pondering why he hasn't killed his brother yet. I went in between the twins, and we started into the first store. It was a large department sort of thing. The men's section was filled with ripped skinny jeans, and too-tight tee shirts. So, a basic boy's heaven. 

Levi took one look around, and mouthed "help me please" to me. I tried not to laugh, and stepped over to Luke, who seemed to be looking for stuff for him rather than his twin. "Hey, uh, this doesn't really seem like Levi's sort of store, maybe let's try another place," was my way of saying, 'let's get the fuck out of here because Levi is uncomfortable but you don't see that so I'm going to notice it for you.'

He nodded, and I dragged Levi by the arm out of the store. It was odd, he kind of froze when I grabbed him. Weird.

The next store was very...goth. I'm not sure how else to describe it. The entire place was black on top of black with a side of black. All three of us took one look, and walked away. This is going to be oh, so much fun, I may not be able to contain myself. I chuckled to myself, and caught up with the twins.

We went to three other stores, none of which Levi took a lot of interest in. The last one Levi seemed to like. He was looking around at all the shelves, which were filled with oversized sweaters and baggy jeans. I looked for something I thought he might like (and did a little looking for myself also), and I found a pair of ripped black jeans. Simple, but I thought that Luke would like they were a color other than tan, and Levi would like them because they looked comfortable. After, I found a plain white tee shirt and a gray and white flannel.

"Here. Take," I told Levi, "Try them on. I wanna see how they look."

He changed into what I chose, and then he came out. Holy crap, doesn't he look good. My mouth just kind of fell open on its own.

"Do I look okay?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, you look good. Take your glasses off," Luke said with a nod.

"I'm blind without them."

"You can put them back on after a second, I promise."

He gave in and took them off. I am about to die, he looks so damn hot right now. Wait, did I just call a guy hot? Nah, it's fine, it's completely friendly...right?

I don't see Levi very often. He's in one of my classes, and sometimes when I go to Luke's house to hang out he'll peep his head out of his room for a second. So, I never really noticed that his eyes are a gorgeous blue, and his body is actually pretty muscular. He's shorter than me by a few inches, but I like that. He's kind of, I dare say, cute. It's platonic though. I think. I am straight, I am straight, I am straight. Probably. No, not probably, definitely...I'm not sure. Crap. I'm screwed.

"Earth to Jasper, are you there?" Luke asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and replied, "Oh. Yep. I'm fine. I'm here. What happened?"

He gave me an eyebrow raise, then said, "We're leaving. Come on."

I caught up to the brothers, then we made our way to the parking lot. I got in the back, and next thing I know, we were at my house.

"Thanks for coming with us, Jas," Luke said, turning around to the back, "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, thanks," Levi added.

"It's no problem. And yeah, see you tomorrow," and I got out of their car and waved goodbye. I then went up to my room and flopped down on the bed. I called a guy hot tonight. What has my life come to?

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