Levi/Luke (10)

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We got home around 7:00 pm. And yes, that's me and my brother, Luke decided not to go to the party. I think I have an idea why, though. Anyways, I surprisingly had a pretty good time. Luke's friends were cool, and I talked to Andy about advice for how to come out to people and such. He was very useful. I thanked him, and we exchanged numbers. But, the thing that confused me was that he also said right before we left, "I think there's an excellent possibility it's not unrequited," and he said it with a wink.

I don't think he knows that I like Jasper. Me and Andy did make it pretty clear that there were no feelings on either side for each other, so it's not that he thinks I like him and he likes me back. He likes a person named Kai. Andy showed me pictures of them, and they were pretty cute. So, why the hell did he say that, let alone wink at the end? My mind is a big gray cloud that is stopping all solutions to my problem.

"Who the fuck do you like?" Luke asked, sounding slightly irritated and kind of desperate.

"I can't say," I replied, plopping down on my bed.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to. You said it yourself that I would only say if I wanted to, and I would rather not, so I'm not going to."

"I meant you wouldn't tell them, not that you wouldn't tell your own brother. I would never tell anybody. Promise," he assured. It's not that I thought he would tell people, it's the fact that I like his best friend. I don't think that would go over well."

"Well, okay. But, I still don't want to say. Why is it such a big deal anyways? We're not in fifth grade," I said with a small snicker.

"Because, I want to know. I might be able to help you get him."

"Hell no. That's not happening. I don't need to be set up by my brother."

"Okay, forget about that part then. But just give me one reason I can't know. I mean, if I know him well then what does it matter?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Because I don't think you'll like that I like who I like."

"That's way too many likes for my brain to comprehend. Rephrase, please."

I rolled my eyes, and thought of a better way to put it. "I don't think you'll be too happy that I like the person I do."


"You know him too well."

"Is he my friend?"

I thought about if I could answer that, and decided it would probably be okay, considering he has about 80 friends. "Yes."


"Yes. It's one of your friends."


"Uh - no. You were right there when we said we didn't have feeling for each other," I said with an eye roll. I'm rolling my eyes so much lately they might pop out of their sockets.

"Yeah, but you could've been lying. Apparently, you weren't though. So, who? Please just tell me, I won't be mad or annoyed or whatever no matter who it is."

I just stayed silent, and scrolled through my phone.

"Okay, you don't have to tell me. I'm sorry I pressured you. I would like to know when you're ready, however. Is that okay?" He asked gently.

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