Levi (20)

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TW: eating disorder

December 22nd. The day that Luke has been looking forward to and the day that I have been dreading. Other than the fact I get to see my boyfriend...that is if Jasper even is my boyfriend. I think he is. Whatever, I don't need to worry about it right now.

I was sitting in the living room, waiting for people to arrive. They were supposed to be at our house at 2:00 pm. It was 1:50. Luke was upstairs getting changed. The party was supposed to be a half-formal sort of thing, so I was wearing a white button down and gray ripped jeans.

Eventually, Luke came down. He was in a dark green sweater and dress pants I don't think he had ever worn in his life, considering his entire wardrobe consists of jeans and tee shirts. Honestly, mine too, but with more khakis. Luke made me promise to stop wearing those, though.

"Hey, you look nice," Luke said as he walked into the living room.

"Thanks, so do you," I replied.

That's when the doorbell rang. Finally, people take forever. Luke opened the door. It was Zander and Kieran. It wasn't surprising they came together.

"Merry Christmas," Kieran said, plopping onto the couch next to me. Zander followed.

Slightly disturbed at Kieran being bubbly and Zander acting mature, I answered, "Likewise." I noticed they had set down bags near our fireplace. Probably gifts. Luke came in soon after. The three of them began talking about random shit, while I decided now was a good time to make coffee, because if I was going to get through that day I would need some high caffeine.

That made me remember about the coffee I got Jasper this morning. He loves Starbucks, particularly the peppermint mocha they have around this time of year, so that's what I got him. It was sitting by the window so it would stay somewhat cold. I made my usual dark roast, which wakes me up just enough to not kill anybody when I get out of bed. I forgot to make it this morning. Almost fell asleep while waiting in the line at Starbucks because of that. Also nearly punched Luke.

Anyway, once I had finished making my coffee, the doorbell rang again. This time it was Andrew and Demitri. Again, I wasn't surprised they came together. But...where was Jasper? It was already 2:05.

I made my way back to the living room, finding Andy  looking at our fish. "What are their names? I forgot..." Andrew asked.

"Motor and Val, Motor because he's fast and Val because, well, we like the name," I replied.

He laughed, and continued, "They're really cool. I look at them every time I'm here. Now, give me my five dollars, Mitri."

"I don't know why I agreed to this. Of course Jasper is going to be the last one here, he likes to make an entrance. So obviously if you say, 'I bet Jasper will be the last one at the party' you're going to win," Demitri complained while pulling out his wallet. So that's why he's not here yet. I made a mental note about Jasper being fashionably late so everyone sees him come in. Wait, but I thought he didn't like attention? Wow, that man is confusing as hell.

Andy took his money happily, and sat down next to Zander. A few minutes later, door rang. Thank God. I ran to the door, I think making the ones who did not know about what me and Jasper confused, and opened it. When I did, oh, what a sight to behold. He looked gorgeous. He was wearing all black. A turtleneck, slacks, combat boots, and...was his hair black also?

"Hey. Merry Christmas, babe," he said, stepping inside and kissing me on my forehead. Meanwhile, I was still wondering how I scored him.

"Same to you. You look amazing," I said, checking him out for the thousandth time in the span of twenty seconds.

Needing (not edited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz