Chapter 8

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"Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving"

-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Season 3 Episode 2

"The Hybrid"

Walking up the hill in such humid weather was not on Holly's bucket list for this summer. Sure, she wanted to go hiking, but somewhere under the mountain where the sun didn't reach a lot. The sun, despite her ring, always seemed too hot on her skin even in winter. Despite her coldness, it made her skin boiling hot on the coldest of temperatures and she had no idea why. And she made no effort to find out.

After last night, Holly was pissed at herself for feeling a little less hatred towards the blond hybrid. He remembered such little things and always popped up in convenient times that it made Holly forget her original anger. It made her feel guilty, but she would never admit it to him out loud. It would be like signing a death sentence.

Even so, Klaus had become much more diligent towards her. Despite the act they were putting on for her brother, she would catch his eyes at often times but quickly avert her gaze. She was afraid that if she stared into his eyes for too long she would allow his storm to sweep her away.

"Who enjoys doing this? Do you find this fun? What kind of psychopath finds fun in this?"Holly whined from behind the two men who ignored her with little care.

"Oh come on H,"Stefan rolled his eyes with a groan "You're a vampire, you'll be fine."

"Yes, but that does not mean I want to do it, like we could have taken the car it would have been easier."Holly responded with a harsh breath escaping her mouth as she glared at the back of the hybrid's head.

"The car would have attracted attention, and we would have never been able to reach this far with it. Its called hiking love, its sport."Klaus explained, turning to face the girl with a small smirk as her glare merely grew harsher.

"Why do you have a logical explanation for everything?"

"Because I have what you lack, common sense."

"Screw off."Holly frowned at him, shaking her head as the male smirked in response, flashing her a wink.

Holly rolled her eyes at him for the millionth time before she continued trailing after them, mimicking the hybrid behind his back simply to calm her own irritation and spite him.

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