Chapter 2

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"Once and for all."


Season 2 Episode 17

"Know Thy Enemy"

Mornings in the Salvatore boarding house were always eventful. There wasn't a single, drama free day in the small town, indicating that there was also no normal sleep schedule. As much as Holly did not need sleep, she treasured the times when her nights weren't spent sleepless or full of nightmares.

Which is why she was quite the cranky morning person. Especially as she was always woken up by the sound of her notorious brothers walking down the stairs in an obvious hurry, seemingly forgetting that their vampire, quite moody sister could hear every single word and the smallest noise.

Groaning, Holly twisted in her bed, subtly ignoring Katherine's voice and breathing in relief as the front door slammed shut indicating someone had left. Holly just hoped all of them had decided to take an extended one day vacation.

But her hopes were soon crushed as the curtains from the window were pulled, causing the sunlight to get into her eyes. Holly groaned, pushing her face into her pillow and sighing at the darkness.

"Not today, princess!"Damon sang from the side, as Holly rolled her eyes, now already wide awake. Pushing up to lean on her elbows, she twisted her head to the side and glared at the smug face of her older brother. Damon waved at her teasingly, his arms crossed over his chest with amusement dancing in his eyes and his signature smirk playing on his mouth.

"I will murder you,"

"You always say that, now come on, up and at 'em."

"No."Holly whined, lowering her face into her pillow and ignoring her brother's constant pulling on her covers.

"We gotta go, cupcake."

"Then go without me."Holly groaned in response.


"Damon, you have five seconds to leave my room or else-"

"Or else what?"Her brother taunted, causing her already growing annoyance to fuel and before Damon knew it, a shoe had hit him in the face.

The male squeezed his eyes shut, sighing in frustration as he, using his speed, avoided the second arriving shoe and letting it fall beside the door.

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