Chapter 13

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"Don't give me that look.
What look?
Klaus, stop looking at me like a little puppy its distracting."


Season 3 Episode 7
"Ghost world"

This sucked.

Holly had not expected her rather peaceful sleep to be interrupted by the sound of her older brother's cries seeping from the other end of the phone. While she would have wanted to end the world in that exact moment and get some well deserved rest, she had to go and save her brother's butt yet once again. After a screaming match and trying to get him to say what was wrong, Holly grew impatient and hung the line after promising she would be there as soon as possible.

The blonde vampire had grumbled her way down the stairs, a pout visible on her mouth as she strode into the Forbes kitchen and grasped at one of the pancakes Liz had made them for breakfast. "Caroline?"Holly called out into the particularly silent house, shrugging to herself when no response came as she munched on another pancake with a happy hum "More for me, I guess."

After making sure that everything was in the right order, Holly left the house whilst texting Caroline on her whereabouts. To which Caroline wasn't as happy upon finding out that Holly forgot the most important event in their senior year besides the bonfire.

Holly had cursed herself as she pressed against the gas pedal, wondering how she had managed to get roped up into saving her brother's life and maintaining to stay alive under the promise of her short death that Caroline had made her unless she makes it to the school on the scheduled time.

Upon pulling up at the Boarding house, Holly released a sigh and grinned at the time displayed on her phone. "Three minutes, that's a record."But glancing up at the house before her caused her grin to fall as disgust laced her features. "Why couldn't it have been an ice cream shop? Why?"The girl muttered to herself as she stepped out of the vehicle and made her way inside the familiar home.

"You don't pay me enough for this crap,"Holly sang, hearing her eldest brother release a whine from the living room as the sound of shackles wiggling around rang into her ears.

"Low blow Stefan, low blow."Damon's pale face came into sight as Holly strode towards the fireplace, rising an eyebrow at the scene that played before her. Damon was tied up to a chair with all different chains, a hot stick poking through his shirt and in the middle of his chest whilst his body reeked of vervain.

"Wow, kinky,"Holly hummed, snickering lightly as Damon sent her a glare "Didn't know little miss perfect had it in her. I mean, dang she tied you up nice."

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