New room

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I had been in the cellar for while now. I didn't even know how long, the days just merged into one. Lucifer came in about twice a day to give me food or treat my leg. He never spoke, no matter how much I pleaded with him, he just gave me the food, or checked my leg, and left without a word.

All I did was eat, cry and try to sleep, when my body let me. Sleep in there was an absolute struggle. Even though I was tired, my mind was preoccupied with all the noises around me. Every time I got close to falling asleep, I would hear a rat or feel a bug on me and wake up again. And then when I did manage to sleep it was only horrible nightmares. The lack of clocks and windows also meant I had no way of telling what time it was or whether it was day or night which was driving me mad.

As I lay there chained up I began to miss my family more and more. I especially missed Noelle. I know we were only best friends but it felt like our bond was stronger than that. I couldn't explain it but I longed to see her smile that lit up any room, or feel her warm embrace again. She was the one thing that was keeping me going because my whole body ached to be with her again and I had no clue why. What I did know, however, was that I was going to get through this hell and I would do whatever it took to get back to her.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice someone open the door and walk up towards me. I didn't even notice them crouch down beside me until I felt the chains attached to my wrist loosen. Carefully, I looked over to see Lucifer sitting there looking smug.

"So, you have learned your lesson by now right?"

I didn't have it in me to speak so I just nodded.

"Ok, well u have been here for a week so I think that's long enough. Let's go upstairs and I can take you to your room, sound good?"

I nodded again as he started to try help me up but the sudden movement gave me a headache and I watched as the room started spinning. I must have fainted because the next thing I remember is being on the floor with him right beside me looking concerned.

"Hey its ok, I forgot, you probably aren't used to walking so soon so I'll just have to carry you upstairs then instead."

Before I could even try to respond I felt his arms wrap around my body as he carried me bridal style away from the cellar. I should have despised being held like that, especially by him, but it felt so good I leaned in closer to him allowing him to hug me tighter. I hated how comforting it felt but I also needed it more than anything.

What was wrong with me?

We eventually got to a huge room with a double bed in the middle. There was a side cabinet on either side of the bed and a huge wardrobe opposite it next to the door. Lucifer carefully placed me on the bed so I was sitting up with my back against the headboard.

"So, what do you think of your room?" He asked eagerly.

I managed to choke out "It's really nice" but I could feel the words scratching at my dry throat.

"I knew you would love it, in the same way I know you are going to love it here eventually, you just need to settle in."

Yeah right, in your dreams you demented psychopath.

I opened my mouth to reply but instead I started coughing and I couldn't stop. Lucifer then rushed off and returned with a glass of water.

"There you go sweetheart, you just need some rest, that's all. I'll come back later and we can watch a movie ok?"

Still drinking the water he gave me I nodded my head again and watched as he left closing the door behind him.

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