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I spent the whole day at work thinking about my darling Skylar. I couldn't stop thinking what if she managed to escape from me, of course she would never manage to escape for long because she would always be mine and eventually she would come to know that. I still hoped she didn't try to though, because then I would have to punish her which I really didn't want to do.

As I was tending to patients it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't even thought to give Skylar anything to help her walk with the bullet wound in her leg. How could I be so stupid, she must have been struggling all day in pain. I felt horrible that I let that happen so I decided to grab one of our best crutches when no one was looking, making sure not to be caught on camera, and stuffed it in the back of my car so I could surprise Skylar with it when I went home to her.

I got through the next few hours of work impatiently waiting for it to be over so I could finally get home to my beautiful girl. The day was moving so slowly and my mind kept going back to Skylar and how he must be struggling because of me. I don't regret having to punish her though, as much as I hated to do it she needed to learn that she wasn't ever going to get away from me and that it was wrong of her to even think she could. However, I did feel bad I let her struggle for even longer after she had learnt her lesson. Trying to brush that thought aside, I began planning how I was going to make it up to her when I got back. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when I presented her with the crutches I had so graciously stolen for her.

Once my shift had eventually finished, I rushed to the car anxious to get home as quickly as possible. I may have gone over the speed limit a bit but I didn't care, I had to get home fast. At last, I made it to our home so I grabbed the crutches and excitedly opened the door calling out that I was home.

"I'm in the living room" I heard her call back and I smiled. I missed hearing her gorgeous voice while I was away. I then made my way to the living room, on the way carefully resting the crutches against the wall before I entered the room to greet her. I noticed she had paused her show for me which I thought was adorable as she clearly wanted to focus on me completely. Maybe she was finally getting used to being with me.

"So what have you been doing all day then" I asked, mainly because I wanted to hear that beautiful voice again.

"Not much, I've just been sitting here watching tv" I smiled as she gestured to netflix open in front of her. She smiled back but something didn't seem right about it, I decided not to worry about it, she was probably just tired. I then went to sit next to her and once again forgot about the wound on her leg as she cried out in pain. I apologised, asking if she was ok and watched her nod even though she was clearly still in pain. I once again felt awful but I then remembered about the crutches and realised that was the perfect moment to present them to Skylar.

"Well that reminds me, I actually have something for you" I told her and I quickly left the room and grabbed the crutches. I came back into the room holding them out to Skylar expecting her to be happy but I soon realised something wasn't right.

"I managed to get these from the hospital so now you can walk a lot easier." I announced, still hoping it would make her feel better but for some reason it only made it worse. She was focused on the crutches and I noticed her breathing gradually start to increase. She no longer seemed aware of her surroundings and I quickly caught on realising she was having a panic attack. Dropping the crutches, I knelt down beside her and held her hand reassuringly.

"Hey, sweetheart, it's ok take deep breaths for me ok? Concentrate on your breathing for me." I said, trying to calm her down. She listened, thankfully, and I watched as her breathing steadily returned to normal. I let out a sigh of relief and we sat in silence for a few seconds before she looked up at me confused and asked what happened.

"You had a panic attack, sweetheart, have you had one before?" I responded and she shook her head.  I then concluded that she would probably want food after that, or at least it would help so I left to make us carbonara after telling her I had to make dinner but I don't think she was listening.

When I came back she was watching her show again so I just gave her the food and sat next to her watching her dig in.

"this is really good" she said smiling and I smiled back

"I made it specially for you, soon you will see that I do all this for you because I love you." I told her, hoping to reassure her that she shouldn't be afraid.

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