Home alone

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As Lucifer watched the film intently, I spent the whole time barely paying attention. Instead, I focused on controlling my breathing and tried to make it seem like I was relaxed as I forced myself to snuggle up to him. It was a struggle but thankfully he didn't seem to notice, he was probably enjoying me finally doing what he wanted too much to think anything else of it.

I didn't take him to be stupid either though. I still wasn't going to act like I suddenly loved him and I was certainly not planning on kissing him. Just thinking about it made me feel sick to my stomach. However, if it meant I could possibly get enough freedom to escape, I would be nice to him and make myself cuddle him if that's what it took to get out.

As much as I wanted to stay awake and see if I could try escape once Lucifer fell asleep, I decided I would probably have to wait a bit longer before I tried to escape again because I didn't even know where I was, plus there was the whole bullet wound in my leg issue. I decided it would be better to concentrate on getting Lucifer's trust so I somehow managed to compel myself to fall asleep in his arms. Considering how stressful my situation was, it was extremely difficult to override my brain telling me to stay awake and stay alert but somehow I managed to think of home and think of Noelle like I did last time until eventually my brain calmed down enough to allow itself to drift off.

I felt my consciousness slowly fade away and it felt amazing to get away from Lucifer and the whole situation he put me in, even if it was only temporary. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but after what felt like ages I sensed Lucifer get up and carry me back to my bed. I was half asleep when I just about heard him say "goodnight sweetheart" before he gently kissed my forehead and left.

"Rise and shine"

Lucifer exclaimed cheerily. I slowly sat up, my eyes taking forever to adjust to the sudden bright light. I squinted up at him and realised he was sitting on the edge of my bed staring at me.

"What time is it?" I croaked wanting to go back to bed.

"It's 7:00 sweetheart, and I need to go to work so I need to make sure you don't try anything while I'm gone."

I nodded processing what he said while my brain slowly tried to wake up.

He then got up and walked closer to me kneeling down next to the bed so he was at my height. He reached out and began stroking my cheek with his hand. I almost recoiled at his touch but managed to stop myself last minute.

God, gaining his trust was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"So I expect you to be on your best behaviour, okay? I will be back by 12:00 and you can watch what you want on the tv I don't mind but I don't expect to find that you have tried to run away because I will have to punish you again, and you can be sure that it will be much worse than the last time understood?"

"Yes I understand I will stay here and wait for you." I responded nodding my head to assure him he could trust me.

"That's my girl" he remarked, smiling approvingly at me. "The door and all windows will be locked though so there's no point trying those anyway" he added before turning to leave.

"Wait" I called and he turned around to face me.

"What do you do for a job, out of interest?" I asked sweetly

He chuckled before responding "I'm a doctor, which is further proof of why I can and will always take care of you" and with that he left before I could even respond to that last comment.

Well if he's a doctor there must be a hospital near right?

I filed that knowledge away deciding it could be useful when I did eventually get an opportunity to escape. I waited 5 minutes after I heard the front door shut and lock to make sure Lucifer had really gone before I tried to get up and get changed. My leg was still too badly injured for me to walk but I managed to push myself along by grabbing onto things around the room that were my height. I opened the wardrobe in the corner of the room and found it was full of my clothes.

When did he get time to take my clothes? That's not creepy at all.

After staring at the clothes for a few minutes, I eventually decided on a blue knitted jumper and jeans but it ended up taking double the amount of time trying to put them on than I thought it would because I had to try not to move my leg too much. By the time I was finished I looked at the time and it was already close to 8:00 so I quickly stumbled to the bathroom and realised I hadn't brushed my teeth in a long time. I then noticed he'd even brought my toothbrush. I decided not to think about how creepy that was and quickly brushed my teeth before attempting to go downstairs to pour myself some cereal. However, I greatly underestimated how hard using the stairs was going to be. I had to carefully shuffle down the stairs and after what felt like forever I finally got to the last step. Breathing a sigh of relief I grabbed the banister and pulled myself back up.

I wanted to try and walk around the house a bit because I hadn't been able to properly explore it and find any exits I could use in future, but my leg was already throbbing from me moving it so much. So instead, I somehow managed to drag myself to the sofa and put on Netflix. By this point I was completely out of breath and had no strength to get back up so I just put on teen wolf and tried to forget about everything that was happening around me.

Hey hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

Just a quick note I realised I wrote this chapter in a rush and I kinda forgot Skylar was supposed to have a leg injury and wouldn't have been able to walk very well😂 Anyways I edited it to make it a bit more realistic so let me know if there's anything else I should change👍

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