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It took me a few seconds to take in what he had just said.

Spain. Spain? We are going to Spain? how would I ever escape there?

There were a million thoughts going through my head and I was soon aware of how my breathing was getting heavier. I quickly realised I was about to have a panic attack so I began tapping my fingers on the sofa and counting to distract myself so Lucifer didn't notice.

"Now I know it will be a big change and that you have settled here" Lucifer rambled on, oblivious.

"But like I said before this will be a good thing for both of us, it means we can start afresh together where no one is coming to find us and we can live happily together."

As I managed to calm myself and stop the panic attack, it started to really hit me how serious this situation was. Suddenly, all the emotions I had bottled up the past week so Lucifer would think I was happy came rushing out and I couldn't control it. I was angry, upset and I absolutely hated Lucifer for doing this to me.

"No" I managed to get out while trying to collect my thoughts. He clearly didn't expect that as he paused for a second so I used that time to carry on.

"You have kidnapped me, held me against my will, then shot me and left me in a dark cellar just because I panicked and tried to escape, and now you expect me to go with you willingly to a whole other country? No, this is too much, you can't-"

I was cut of by a sharp stinging pain on my cheek. My head rolled to the side with the impact and I instinctively lifted my hand up to my now throbbing cheek. Now was my turn pause for a few seconds out of shock.

"I expect you to listen to me and do as you are told" He shouted, his demeanour quickly changing from excited to outraged.

"You will come to Spain with me because I said so and I do not want to hear another outburst like this. Do you not remember the rules we made?"

I was still holding my hand to my wounded cheek facing away from him. I didn't know what came over me, I just had enough and couldn't keep pretending everything was okay when it wasn't anymore. I had no clue what he was going to do next but I knew it wasn't going to be good.

He slapped me, he really slapped me.

"Look at me when im talking to you" He exclaimed suddenly making me jump.

Cautiously, I turned my head back towards him not wanting a worse punishment than what I could already be getting. He then gently grabbed my face in his hand and knelt down in front of me.

"Sweetheart," He began, suddenly calm again. "I dont want to have to hurt or punish you, but if you don't listen to me you will give me no choice. I just want us to be able to start a new life together where we can both be happy which is why we need to go to Spain. You need to understand that I love you, and I'm just doing this so you can see that you are mine and you always will be."

"But I don't want to go to Spain." I responded, my last attempt to change his mind.

"Well we don't really have a choice, so we are going Spain whether you like it or not." He snapped before abruptly picking me up bridal style and walking off towards the bedroom.

"Wait what are you doing? Put me down!" I exclaimed. I tried protesting that I could walk with my crutches but he didn't listen, instead he just kept going.

We eventually got to the bedroom where he dumped me onto the bed and knelt down beside me again.

"Get dressed for bed, I'm going to go get a blanket because I've decided I'm going to sleep here tonight." He stated, and then he left before I could even respond.

Wait what? why is he sleeping here now?

I got changed quickly because I didn't know how long he would be or if he would walk in while I was changing. It wouldn't have surprised me if he did. I then had to wait on the bed for about 5 minutes. The longer i waited, the more nervous I became.

He said he was sleeping here, did that mean in the bed with me?

I began to spiral realising that I probably wouldn't be able to take it if, after everyhting that just happened, he decided he wanted to sleep with me too. Eventually, I heard the door open snapping me out of my thoughts and he walked in holding a quilt and pillows. He then headed straight for the sofabed in the corner of the room and placed the pillows and blanket on it.

Thank god, at least he has his own bed.

"Goodnight sweetheart" He said before switching off the light leaving us both in darkness.

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