The plan

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Dr. Andie thought of a plan. He would somehow make up a distraction for the doctors and get all of the subjects out of there. He then would make a cure and give it to all of the failed subjects and hide them somewhere. He had no idea where he will hide them and how he will distract the doctors, but he'd figure it out. Dr. Andie turned to Dr. Green and slowly walked over to the scientist. "Hey, Dr. Green?" He didn't get a reply from Dr. Green, so he tried again. "Hey, Dr. Gre-" "Not now, Jonathan. I'm working on something." Dr. Green interrupted. Dr. Andie quietly stepped away and thought of powering down the machine. He thought that was a good plan, but then he thought of the kicker. He had no idea how the machine worked. He thought that there was something in one of the doctor's pockets that could help him, so he crawled over to Dr. Jamie and started searching his pockets. He found nothing. He snuck over to Dr. Green and found his keys in one of the pockets. He looked through the keys and found a key that unlocks the doors. He quickly removed the key from the loop and put the rest of the keys back in Dr. Green's pocket. He snuck away and went back to the far left corner. He came up with a distraction for the guards. There was a small hole in the wall next to the door, so he crawled to the wall and slid a rubber band through the hole. Dr. Andie found a pebble and picked it up, put it on the rubber band like a slingshot, and launched it. The rock hit the wall, which caught the attention of the two guards. The guards were there for exactly 10 seconds and returned to their previous spots. Dr. Andie grabbed a bigger rock to use for later. 0 was watching Dr. Andie, and figured out what he was going to do. He grabbed a rock and threw it at the brainwashed subjects to try to get a reaction. He didn't get a single reaction. 0 slid out of the line and sprinted over to the far left corner. He tried to sit down there but felt something cut his right arm. He scooted away from the wall, only to find a bloody needle poking out of the wall. He looked to see if his arm was bleeding, and he saw a really bloody cut. He stayed still, not wanting to be spotted. 0 quietly grabbed onto the wall and pulled himself up. He looked at his cut again, or where his cut should've been. 0 didn't see the cut anywhere on his arm. Not a single sign of it ever being there. That freaked 0 out a little bit, but he paid no mind to it. 0 tiptoed to the machine and saw a ton of switches and wires. He counted 18 switches and 34 wires. He saw that the line was getting shorter by the minute, and soon there were only 3 subjects left to be brainwashed. He grabbed a sharp rock and started cutting the wires and flipping the switches. Dr. Andie slid away from the wall and sprinted over to the switch, but not so quickly that he got caught. He tried figuring out a way to disable the switch so that it wouldn't work, but to no avail. He quickly crawled over to the brainwashed subjects and poked one of them to try to get a reaction. He didn't get one. Dr. Andie grabbed a rock that he found nearby, and threw it against the wall. Still no reaction. Dr. Andie started to panic. He had no idea if the effects were reversible or not. He tried to tickle one of them, but they didn't even flinch. He tried poking at them again, but this time excessively. Still no reaction at all. He didn't notice 0 entering the machine.

Subject 0Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ