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Aidan held 0's hand as he led Aidan to where 56 was. Aidan's eyes had hints of curiosity and slight fear in them as he eyed 0 and 0's hands. Aidan pushed what he learned to the back of his head. He can deal with that later, at least that's what he told himself. 0's eyes scanned the doors until they landed on the door to the janitor's closet. He subconsciously held his breath in anticipation; his hand curled around the doorknob as it opened the door. He allowed himself a breath of air when he saw 56 in there, waiting for his return. 56 looked up, seeing 0 and Aidan. "Hey, 56." Aidan greeted. Aidan helped 56 up, smiling widely at him. 56 smiled back, happy to see Aidan. "Stay here you two. I'll be right back." Aidan exited the room. "So... How have you been doing...?" 0 awkwardly asked. 56 looked at him incredulously. "Just been sitting in the closet wondering where you've been, just an average day for me, don't worry." 56 replied sarcastically. 0 chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Right. I ended up killing Jamie and discovering that I can give people heart attacks. Nothing too bad." 56 gave him a funny look. Before he could say anything, Aidan came back with Dr. Andie. "I had to get someone and make a phone call," Aidan answered the unspoken question. "...Where the fuck have you been?" 0 asked Dr. Andie in disbelief. "I was working on something." Dr. Andie answered. 0 then noticed the small cup full of a dark green liquid. Dr. Andie handed 0 the liquid. "Please drink this." 0 looked at the doctor in suspicion. "What is this?" 0 asked. "Remember the injection you were given about a month ago? That was something meant to kill you. Aidan found the ingredients that were in the injection and I was able to successfully make the antidote for it." Dr. Andie answered. 0 reluctantly brought the cup to his lips and tried to ignore the awful taste as he chugged the medicine down. "So, what was the call for?" 56 asked. Aidan smiled. "You'll see. Want to go get some snacks from the kitchen while we wait?" Aidan asked. 0 and 56, noticing their hunger, agreed. ••• About ten minutes later, Aidan smiled as he heard the familiar sound of a helicopter. He stood up from his chair, ignoring the weird looks he got from the trio and left the kitchen. He sprinted to an exit, throwing it open. He was greeted with the sight of SWAT helicopters, and men entering the building. He smiled wider as ambulances arrived, and the sight of Green getting dragged out of the building, still in handcuffs. He entered the building, slowly walking down the hallway. He cried tears of joy when he saw subjects gently being led out of the building, into the ambulances. He saw 0 and 56- or more accurately, Colton and Ethan walking out of the kitchen. They were, understandably, confused and a bit scared, but a gentle smile from Aidan silently told them that they were safe. That nothing will ever hurt them again. Aidan slowly got on the floor, putting his hands behind his head, waiting for a SWAT team member to find him. He looked up slightly, taking one last look at the place which was originally run by monsters. The place which ruined many lives. The place where its victims were finally being saved from its cold grasp.

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