72: First Date

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It was nearly dusk when I left the Old State House. Hancock and I had spent the rest of the afternoon bargaining and drawing up rough plans for the building MacCready and I were going to own once we returned. He also briefly told me about our upcoming mission, but refused to give further details until we were ready to leave. It was directly related to the kidnappings and the file we had brought from Nick Valentine, but that was all I knew.

My pack was significantly lighter, and so were my spirits. All right, I think I managed to give a good accounting for myself in there. MacCready would have been able to haggle for the moon and stars I bet, but I did the best I could, and I think Hancock is good for his end of the deal. It took every cap I had, but we should be set.

A place. A real place to stay! I did a happy little shuffle-step in the center of the square between the State House and the Rexford. A few of the idle drifters hanging around an open cooking fire smiled and waved. One stood up to approach me. His smile was a little too broad for my comfort, and he looked me up and down in a manner that had me reaching for the holster on my leg. Not again.

"Watch it, Louie," called one of the Neighborhood Watch flanking the doors to the State House. "That's MacCready's girl. If she doesn't teach you to keep your hands to yourself, he certainly will."

The aforementioned Louie blanched, his smile evaporating instantly. "MacCready? I-uh," he stammered, holding his hands up and taking a step back. "I'll just go check on the stew. Sorry, lady!" He turned around and practically scampered away.

"Thanks!" I called quietly to the Watch. Both men, one human, one Ghoul, nodded in acknowledgment.

"I know you can handle yourself, lady," the Ghoul rumbled in a slightly amused tone. "Saw what happened last time someone tried something. Figured Louie might appreciate a warning more than castration-by-pistol." His companion looked startled, and I noticed he had shifted to instinctively try and cross his legs at the description. The pose wasn't possible while standing, and the man soon resumed his original stance, trying to make the move look natural. I chuckled to myself and headed into the Rexford.

Clair barely looked up. "MacCready's already upstairs- the usual spot."

MacCready was indeed in the room, freshly cleaned up and wrapped in a bath towel while carefully running his combat knife across his face, shaving. "There you are!" he called teasingly. "Thought you forgot about me."

"Never," I assured him, tossing my empty pack onto the couch. "Since you did such a wonderful job haggling for the building, I figured I'd try my hand at bargaining for some improvements while we're on the road. Got some plans drawn up with Hancock while you were with Daisy. Took every cap I had, but I think we'll have a good setup in the end."

"Fine by me. I trust you." He ran his fingers along his jawline, feeling for any spots he may have missed. "The neighborhood gossip chain is in full force by the way. The minute you took my hand inside the gate, all of Goodneighbor caught on to our relationship. So," he turned to face me with a twinkle in his eyes. "You want the good news or the bad news?"

I rolled my eyes. Small towns, what can you do? "Uhh, give me the bad news first."

"This will be the last shower you get for a while." He gestured for me to proceed to the bathroom, grabbing a small bundle from his pack. "Rufus, the local handyman, fixed 'em up finally."

The change of subject caught me flat-footed for a moment. So the Rexford had showers after all. They just weren't working before. "And the good news?"

"Two words: Hot water." He grinned at my delighted peal of laughter and handed me the bundle. "Here. Daisy wanted me to give this to you. I think it's an outfit or something. She wouldn't let me open it, though."

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