83. Building the Tripod

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True to MacCready's prediction, the Brotherhood contingent arrived the next morning in a thunderous show of force. Not one, but three vertibirds circled Goodneighbor for what seemed like an eternity before one finally descended into the clearing just down the street from the main entrance. The other two continued to circle until Maxson himself, flanked by Paladin Danse, Proctor Ingram and, to my dismay, Knight Rhys entered the main square. All four were wearing gleaming suits of power armor, and I privately wondered how long it took to get them looking so shiny and new. Talk about making an impression, that's some nice dent work! MacCready and I were on the rooftop checking on our container garden and were witness to the entire spectacle.

"Well," he commented a little sourly, "we shouldn't have to gather everyone up, at least. That racket was enough to wake even the most blitzed-out drunk in town. You ready for this?"

"No," I answered him honestly, plucking a mutfruit leaf and twirling it between my fingers. "I'm scared, terrified really. I don't know how I'm going to get these people to work together... or how long I can keep them from each others' throats. But this can't wait, RJ. We have to act before the Institute does. "

The leaf floated to the ground as my hands were captured by my partner's. "Look, Boss, just tell them like it is. You said it yourself, the time for secrets is past. Right now, you're the only one who has the trust of all the major faction leaders. And they're in your house. Demand they respect your space. If they don't?" He smiled grimly. "Well, you have the best gun in the Commonwealth backing you up."

I was shocked. "You wouldn't shoot our guests... would you?"

"I'd do just about anything to defend you. And I think they all know it."

When we unlocked the front door, the invited council members filtered into our temporary conference room. Due to the cramped conditions, power armor had to be left in the main reception area with Proctor Ingram being the sole exception. Weapons, too, were stowed away in my workshop, minus the 10mm pistol MacCready kept tucked away in a hidden holster. We had had the foresight to assign seating, setting name cards by each of the places at the table. A large map lay across the center, having been meticulously drawn and detailed by Nick Valentine the day before.

I kept the Brotherhood and Railroad on opposite sides of the table, with the Minutemen as a neutral buffer. Hancock and Valentine sat with MacCready and me, filling out the final side. Rhys, Glory, and Fahrenheit declined to sit, taking guard positions behind their respective leaders. Desdemona was already glaring daggers at the Brotherhood members seated opposite her.

Standing up to the massed attention of the entire room had my stomach fluttering in nervousness and I cleared my throat unnecessarily. "Thank you all for coming. We're here to discuss the events that happened the other night, and formulate a plan to eliminate the threat of the Institute once and for all. We're going to need everyone working together on this; The Brotherhood, the Minutemen, and the Railroad. Without all of us working together, the Institute has the power to take us out one faction at a time. I would like to start with everyone introducing themselves to the rest of the group."

"Hold on a moment, Sarge," Maxson broke in, brows drawn down in irritation. "What is that... thing," he gestured towards Hancock, "doing here?"

Hancock growled back, "Last time I checked, I just happened to be mayor of this town, and have as much reason to want to see the Institute go down as you do. So watch your mouth and your prejudice or there are going to be problems, ya dig?"

Maxson was not to be dissuaded from his tirade. "And why are we even bothering to discuss the threat of the Institute when one of its own creations is right here? It's an unacceptable risk!" He glared at Nick Valentine, who regarded the Brotherhood leader coolly.

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