79. Mass (Con)Fusion

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In what seemed like only an instant later, we thundered out of Goodneighbor towards the waiting vertibird armed to the teeth. Danse explained while we ran. "Proctor Ingram has the specifics, but the Institute has discovered the location of something called a "Beryllium Agitator" which would, if they were to recover it, allow them to potentially exterminate all surface life in the Commonwealth."

By this point, we had reached the vertibird, and I was surprised and gratified to see not only Proctor Ingram herself on board, but also Scribe Haylen among the rest of the 12-member squad. She gave me a welcoming smile and a hand up into the waiting craft while Ingram picked up the narrative. "Mass Fusion, where we're headed, was on the cutting edge of atomic technology. The Agitator was the CEO's crown jewel. In layman's terms, it boosts the output of any nuclear reactor exponentially, creating an almost infinite level of power. Records show he was working on it in his lab at the top of their high-rise in the Financial District. We discovered it around the same time as the Institute, but they beat us to the punch. We don't know what they're planning to use it for, but we absolutely cannot allow this technology to fall into their hands."

MacCready snorted. "Ya think?" In an aside to me, just barely audible above the noise of the engines, he added, "Do we really want the Brotherhood to get their hands on it either?"

"Lesser of two evils, hon," I replied in his ear, "at least the Brotherhood are our allies."

Danse addressed us once Ingram had finished, ignoring MacCready's sarcastic comment. "Which is why we called on everyone to help in this mission. This is an 'all hands on deck' situation. There will be Brotherhood soldiers leading every squad, but we picked up a contingent of Minutemen to help bolster our ranks. You two were my own personal choice for reinforcements."

Before either of us could reply, our vertibird had arrived at the top of the Mass Fusion building. I didn't realize how close the towering skyscraper was to Goodneighbor, and the thought briefly crossed my mind that it probably explained the daily run-ins with Institute patrols over the last several weeks. Well, every Synth we eliminated then is one less Synth we have to deal with now.

We were apparently the last of the forces to arrive. Elder Maxson, looking truly imposing in his own set of power armor, stood on the top of the building to give Paladin Danse the latest briefing. "The Beryllium Agitator was moved to the sub-basement level. The rest of our forces are clearing the way, taking out every last one of those abominations. I need you and your squad to get down there and secure the Agitator before one of their Coursers gets their hands on it and relays out." He gestured and two more Brotherhood Knights in power armor strode over from guarding the rooftop to flank him. "I will personally secure the exit vector. Move out!"

"You heard him, let's move!" Paladin Danse took point, the rest of our squad fanning out into a narrow wedge formation. I found myself just behind Danse with Haylen behind me, and MacCready following. On either side, I was flanked by Knight Rhys, the squad member who had been less than welcoming when we first met the Brotherhood, and another Knight I didn't recognize.

"Knight Sohal," he introduced himself quickly as we made our way towards the building access door. "We've never officially met, but I've seen you and your partner before."

"Enough with the small talk, Sohal," Rhys snapped from my other side. "Focus on the mission." The rest of the armored squad took positions on either side of Haylen and MacCready. Proctor Ingram brought up the rear of our formation behind the final row of Knights, wielding an enormous minigun.

As soon as we entered the building, all hell broke loose. We were immediately surrounded by flashes of cracking blue-white light, and my Pip-Boy squealed in response to the barrage. An entire troop of Gen 1 Synths appeared and opened fire, to be met with overwhelming response from the Brotherhood soldiers. To his credit, Knight Rhys didn't hesitate to shield me with his own armored body while mowing down the resistance, apparently unaware of my Institute-programmed immunity. We made short work of the Synths, and were soon heading deeper into the massive structure.

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