25. Hangman

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"So it seems we're back to square one again." I sighed as we trekked down the road, making our circuitous way back to Diamond City. Not knowing where else to go, I figured we could check in with Valentine to see if he had picked up any rumors of "science-y types" around the Commonwealth. I also desperately wanted a hot shower and a night in a warm room. The weather was definitely growing colder. "Every time I think we've found someone who can help us, we just wind up with more theories and few answers."

"I dunno, Boss," MacCready encouraged from a few steps behind me. "We've learned that your electronic buddy there is not from Vault-tec, and is almost certainly tied to the Institute in some manner." He stopped briefly to loot some caps from an old newspaper box. "It's not Brotherhood technology or they would have told us... and probably locked you up." His voice had hardened at that last statement. "I'm surprised they didn't. I know for a fact Rhys was trying to get you detained when he learned about your little cybernetic enhancements. Danse outranks him, though."

"Is that why you tried to pick a fight with Rhys again?" The morning's departure had been rather tense between MacCready and the Brotherhood members, and I was curious about it.

"Uh-huh. You're my charge, Boss, and no one is going to detain you as long as I'm around." There was a hint of possessiveness in his tone and it pleased me for reasons I couldn't quite understand.

"Thanks, MacCready. By the way, what did you think of our mission assistance?" With his snarky attitude and obvious displeasure for the group we helped out, I wanted to hear this thoughts.

"I'm not sure if we just helped a few stranded soldiers or pulled the trigger on an invasion of the Commonwealth," he replied soberly. "I guess we'll have to see. At least they tried to help you in return."

My thoughts turned back to the issue at hand. "So, we know a little more than we did. That still doesn't tell me how I got here."

"No," the sniper agreed. "That's the part that seems to have everyone stumped. All you saw, all we saw when we..." he broke up with an apologetic cough, "...well, all we saw was a bright flash and the world appearing to disintegrate around you. It doesn't help that you blacked out at that point."

"Yeah, well," I muttered resentfully at the reminder, "the lounger's programming apparently wasn't able to translate the excruciating searing torture of having my entire body invaded by ribbons of electrically charged wires, either." I paused, "and we don't have Med-X or stimpaks in my world."

"Good point." We walked along, breath steaming in the air.

Popping noises echoed from the buildings ahead of us and we slowed, bringing our weapons on point. Coming to a stop in the shadow of a building, MacCready peered up the street through the scope of his sniper rifle. "Heads up, Boss. There's a group up ahead, but they appear to be settlers, not raiders." He lowered his rifle, flicking the safety back on. "What do you want to do?"

"Let's see what's going on. Maybe we can help them." He gave me an incredulous, scornful look. "It's the right thing to do." I reminded him, "and we're supposed to be helping people, remember? I owe Hancock. Maybe we can convince them to join the Minutemen." At his continued reluctance, I added, "And Dr. Amari said we would need to assist people around the Commonwealth in order to find this mysterious group who might be able to help me."

"Fine," he griped. "Hope they have some caps on them as a thank you."

The group of settlers were initially alarmed at our approach, but when we indicated that we were friendly, quickly calmed down. The man leading the group was quite happy to explain. "We heard there was a great little nook here in town perfect for us to set up a trading settlement. It's just down the street a bit, called Hangman's Alley. Close enough to Diamond City to pick up some of the trade overflow without the snooty mayor getting in our business."

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