Chapter Six

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Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
- Brian Tracy

Claire Bishop

The current situation that I was in, had to be the most difficult situation of my life. The dilemma was a peculiar one. Either way I went, I would be in for a roller coaster life.

A life with money problems wasn't a life that would be peaceful.

I would probably go old before I paid off my loan and rents. That wasn't a life I had planned for myself. A good girl in her childhood, a good student in her school couldn't have this life after she grew up. No, she couldn't. Things must change.

A life being mommy to a little girl wouldn't be a easy one either.

Firstly, I had no idea how to be a mother. Maternal instincts were natural. Would it be same with me? This choice did have many advantages though. I meant, there would be a handsome stable man waiting on the other end with that little girl. What sane woman wouldn't fall for his looks? He had the look of a Greek god, obviously.

As my love life consist of zero activity, that choice would top my zero activity to a whole new level. At college, I used to spend all my extra time on studying, handling extra cooking classes or in the library to even go out clubbing. And as the college life ended, money problems made me busy. It was safe to say I had no interest on doing anything about my love life. My sister, Chloe used to point out that to me a lot. She still does that.

It wasn't like I was innocent at the dating side of my life. No one that important came in life that would catch my interest until now.

Tyler Sanders.

The name itself brought shivers all over my body. How could meeting a guy for only few hours did that? I thought he was a stranger. Well he was still a stranger but tell that to my body who wanted to just feel that hard but warm body. Damn it. This definitely showed, how I had lack of action in my love life.

It was suffice to say that I had two boyfriends, one in school which was back home in my hometown and another who was in my college. Thinking of the one in college brought the same heavy pang in my chest. I didn't wanted to think about him. I wanted forget there was ever a guy like him in my life.

My both relationships didn't last long so here I was, sitting alone at home, dwelling on a guy who could give me a life that would have-

No money problems.
A readymade family.
A chance to have a proper love life.

Oh well, looked like I already decided what I would do.

Sighing I left my thoughts at that. Resuming my earlier work which was baking cookies, I called my sister Chloe. Since the cookies were in the oven, I had free time on my hand. So why not call chloe? Yeah, I had no friends. Sue me!

She picked up on the second ring, "Hey Claire. What's up?" I could hear the tired tone in her voice. Looked like baby Carrie was having a field day with her mommy. Mommy? Why did that single word remind me of Tyler and Little Ariel? Damn it, I still didn't know her real name. "Claire? You there?"

I jolted out of my thoughts quickly before Chloe, the ever cunning one got suspicious. "Yeah, I'm here. Anyway I called to ask how's my niece and nephew are doing. How are they?"

Chloe huffed on the line. "Oh so you forgot about your own sister but you remember them. Oh Claire, why wouldn't you ask about my wellbeing?"

Did I mention Chloe, the ever dramatic one too? I rolled my eyes at her even though she couldn't see me. "Oh quit it. What is it? Carrie keeping you tired all night or is it Brandon? Huh?"

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