Chapter Seven

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To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France

Claire Bishop

Tatiana's Cafe quickly became a place for the people to escape the everyday stresses of life and became a comfortable place to hangout with friends or read a book. All in one, this cafe become very popular within the local since the day it opened.

Since, it was within the walking distance from my apartment, I visited this place quite often. The jolly old Italian lady who runs the cafe with several helpers was familiar with me. She helped me learn many essentials from the pastry world. The cafe's old decorations gave the cafe a homey look. This cafe was my kind of place. Hence, I choosed it for today.

Though right this moment, I solely regretted my decision. The coffee shop was starting to get rowdy and it was getting on my nerves. All the high school students had to be in the shop when I visited one. Just great. This was ridiculous. God, was I that noisy at their age? I hope not at least. Though I couldn't say the same thing about Chloe.

I picked up the glass of water and sipped from it. The waitresses were eyeing me with their cat eyes, from all the way across the shop. I was really getting tired of their behaviour. They knew me but never liked me because Tatiana behaved well with me. They were thinking I was just sitting here for the AC or something since I hadn't ordered anything.

Well, it wasn't my fault that I was sitting here idly. I was waiting for someone. I was waiting for that arrogant man.

Where was he?

There was no way I would order something and waste my money when I had my precious leftovers waiting for me at home.

The tables in the cafe were seated far enough from each other to give people their privacy but not much far, to let them be a outcast. I kept on tapping my fingers repeatedly over the table. I was sure the old couple sitting across my table could hear the sound. And I was sure, Tatiana wouldn't be happy when she found out a dent on the table made by my impatient and forceful fingers.

That man! He sure was a perfectionist. Cue the sarcasm, oops! I rolled my eyes at his so called given name by the tabloids. I did some research on him before coming to the shop and let me tell you, I expected this rich businessman to be punctual but I should had expected the unexpected when it came to this man.

While I was on the net, I tried to find out about Little Ariel too but there was nothing about her. There wasn't much of personal information on Tyler Sanders. His parents were mentioned with their names and photos but when it came to Little Ariel, Tabloids only mentioned, Tyler Sanders was a young father to a young daughter. Name or photos were unavailable.

My eyes were fixed on the door of the shop, impatiently waiting for a suited up guy. Since, I rarely saw this guy in casual outfits, both in person and magazines, I was sure he would be here in a suit made with royal fabric. That rich he was! Though I was starting to wonder whether he stood me up or not. Sadly, my view got blocked and I looked up to find a waitress glaring down at me.

"Miss, I hope you are ready to order or else you'd have to leave. As you can see, all tables are full and some customers are waiting for unreserved tables with unordered customer on it." The skimpy waitress with a name tag of Jenny said to me very impatiently. Skimpy waitress! How cliche! Well, I couldn't blame her for pointing me out. The shop was really full.

Before I could utter a apology, a very familiar manly voice spoke up from behind Jenny. "That wouldn't be needed. We will order in a minute."

Jenny turned abruptly at his voice, stepping aside and then I saw him all dressed up in a grey suit. Jenny's eyes widened and I immediately got the feeling that she would fondle with her hair and dress, and start her flirty charms on Tyler Sanders right away.

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