Chapter Sixteen

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Never do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.
- Baltasar Gracien

Claire Bishop

The melodic music floated around the banquet hall along with the murmurs of the guests. Pretty much everyone took their seats when dinner was served. The party was a success, no wonder.

There was a delicious cake brought to the engaged couple, as in me and Tyler. We cut it along with Lydia by our side. Later on, it was served as one of the dessert after dinner was done.

Currently I was standing by Tyler, overlooking at the party when Helen came to us with a young couple in tow. They weren't that young. They were probably around Tyler's age which I had to find out from the net because apparently Tyler wouldn't speak a word about his age.

"Claire, there's someone I want you to meet." Helen said upon reaching me and motioned the couple to come forward. I noticed the man held a baby carrier in his hand and there was a newborn, probably two or three months old laying peacefully. Could be their kid since the baby had the beginnings of the same blond hair like the woman. "This is Kate and her husband Derek Nelson."

The woman, Kate stepped forward to shake the hand I offered. "Hi, nice to meet you."

I shook her hand with a smile. "Hello, nice to meet you too." She seemed to be couple of years older than me but her vibe was as warmer as Helen's. Her husband nodded at me.

Helen gestured toward Tyler. "And you remember my son Tyler, right?"

At that Derek extended his free hand to shake my fiancé's hand. "Yeah, we do."

Tyler had a questioning glim in his eyes. He was probably trying to remember them or something. Upon seeing that his mom reminded him. "Tyler, remember Parker Harris? Kate is his daughter. You met her and Derek in couple of parties."

Instantly, recognition lit up in his eyes along with sadness which made me confused. He looked at Kate who was suddenly clutching her husband's hand and said with admiration in his voice. "He was an honest and hard-working man. I'm sorry about your parents, Mrs. Nelson."

Kate nodded and whispered. "He was. He was a great man. So was my mom." Helen leaned to her side and squeezed Kate's arm.

I was really confused with the turn of events. They were talking like as if this Kate's parents were....dead? Were they really? My eyes fell upon the men and women around me, and I asked warily. "I'm sorry but your parents...?"

The hand on my back gripped me bringing my eyes to the man beside me who upon meeting my eyes, shook his head and mouthed later. I understood his gesture and nodded. Turning my head toward the woman who seemed like she was about to answer me but instead someone behind her interrupted.


A man stepped around her, stopping beside her. There was no doubt this man was handsome. He had dark blond hair that looked more brown than blond on his head which were styled messily. His eyes were the shade of gold. It was like I was watching the rise of the sun in them. He had broad shoulders but not as broad as Tyler's. And he was a couple of inches shorter than Tyler plus he looked young. He wore a fine tailored suit that let me know instantly, this man was a rich guy. Hell, everyone in this party was rich.

All eyes were on him but I was briefly aware that I had been staring at him for long that I forgot to listen to his words. Shaking my head, I replied. "Excuse me?"

Those golden eyes were upon me, flickering over every skin on my face. He was inspecting me just like I was inspecting him but he had a strange glim in his eyes that made me step back to the warmth of Tyler's arms. His voice was brash when he again spoke up. "I said, they are dead."

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