Chapter 17 Earning money is king

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A major event happened to Qin 114 this year, not about her, but Uncle Meng's family. Meng Shukang finally graduated and returned to China. He did not follow his father's wishes and prepared to start his own business.

At this time, I still don't think much of being a businessman, and the world is judged to be a small trader and hawker. Good people did not do this. The reason why Uncle Qin Yiyi became a businessman was entirely because of changes in his family. Fortunately, the situation has improved a lot in the past few years, and Meng Shukang studied economics abroad. He also felt that the domestic market had developed greatly, and he was ready to do something on his own.

Mr. Meng is still very open and democratic in his mind. He didn't even say anything about the elder son taking the political line. He supported the country's economic development by his younger son. This point has always been overbearing ** Qin Guosheng really sighed, it's incomparable.

It is said to have done a career, but Meng Shukang has no concrete ideas about what to do. So this time I returned to China, except for market research, I played with the little princess every day. Said it was playing, basically Qin studied one by one, and he played next to him.

On this day, Qin Yiyi was painting a vase. After two years of practice, she was finally able to draw something big. I used to hear that painting eggs was funny, but now it's just the portrayal of her learning to paint. The teacher who taught her to paint is a French man. He advocates late marriage in his thirties. He is romantic but rigorous. It took a lot of effort for Qin Yi to meet his requirements, and he was one of the most severe teachers. He not only taught Qin Yiyi a lot of art knowledge, but also practiced Qin Yiyi's foreign language. English communication is absolutely no problem, and he even learned some French.

He always said that Qin Yiyi's points were not enough, but once took Qin Yiyi to an art exhibition, only to find that her aesthetic talent was amazing. Painters, who paint well but don't appreciate it, because this also requires talent. So after discovering Qin Yiyi’s advantage, sometimes he would ask Qin Yiyi’s opinion when he was not sure about his work, not to mention it really brought him a lot of surprises. Therefore, he accepted students reluctantly at the beginning, and he now likes it very much.

"Oh." This is how many times Meng Shu Kangdi sighed.

Qin Yi put down the paintbrush one by one and said to Meng Shukang, "Uncle, if you sigh and go home, you will disturb my thinking."

"Oh." Meng Shukang didn't answer her at all, and sighed again.

It seemed that he was really worried, and Qin Yiyi also sighed. If you don't solve him today, you can't study hard. "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Are you broken in love?"

This time Meng Shukang reacted greatly, "Nonsense, who am I, can break a relationship! No, whoever teaches you these words will be dead if Xiao Chen knows it."

"Don't worry about these, let's talk about what's wrong with you first?"

"Little princess, you are usually so smart and give your uncle ideas. What do you think uncle should do?"

Really treat her as an adult, "What do you want to do?"

"I just ask you if I don't know what to do." It's a matter of course.

"I'm only four years old, you ask me how do I know."

"Although you are only four years old, your mind is better than forty years old. Who are you, a genius among the prodigy! Isn't this a fact for all to see, and you don't want you to help me decide, just give me an idea. I'm close I want to rust my mind, maybe I'll be clear about what you said! If my uncle makes money in the future, I will count as you!"

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