Chapter 40 Leaving, know how to cherish

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Meng Shichen agreed to Medusa's conditions first, anyway, that kind of thing didn't matter to him. In the past, he also felt that Qin Yiyi did nothing, but now he doesn't think so at all.

    If Qin Yiyi is really reborn, then he believes that people have souls. In this case, he doesn't even want her hands to be stained with blood. He was afraid, he was afraid that if there really was a hell, Qin Yiyi would go down and suffer.

    But even if Qin Yiyi really went to hell after her death, Meng Shichen might even dare to twist the head of the king of Hades if she really wanted to be skinned and cramped.

    Qin Yiyi didn't think about this, but the reason why she didn't want to agree was also because she felt alienated in her heart.

    Seeing Meng Shichen robbing her, she didn't expect Meng Shichen to think so long-term in his heart, only thinking that he was too eager to cure her. She didn't think too much about it, anyway, she always felt that the two of them were one, and they just wanted to do everything together, and never thought that Meng Shichen would not let her intervene in this matter.

    Seeing that Meng Shichen agreed, Medusa's face was relieved of joy, sadness and entanglement. These emotions gathered together, making her deceptive face really look like a man-eating monster, extremely distorted.

    When the villagers heard that the two parties had negotiated the conditions, they knew that they didn't have to die, so they all sat on the ground collapsed. His face is full of the rest of his life, but he has no intention of worrying about what Medusa will pay. Not to mention what conditions are not conditions, they don't care at all.

    Medusa suddenly began to straighten her clothes and hair, as if she was looking at it for the last time before dying, looking at it again and again, she was very nostalgic, and her movements were weird.

    This time, Meng Shichen waited patiently for her to finish. Seeing that Qin Yiyi in his arms had already fallen asleep because of exhaustion, he gathered his clothes and hugged him tightly.

    Medusa also saw that Qin Yiyi was asleep, and raised her head to ask.

    "Shall we go now?"

    Meng Shichen brushed aside the hair from Qin Yiyi's cheeks, his eyes were distressed and tangled, but he was still ruthless.

    "Baby, baby, wake up."

    Although he wanted to wake Qin Yiyi up, his voice couldn't be softer.

    But Qin Yiben was a light sleeper, and would be awakened by the slightest movement. Meng Shichen's call made her unprepared startle from her sleep.

    There was a sharp stabbing pain in the head, which lasted for a few seconds this time.

    Seeing the little baby's body trembling, and then even his face wrinkled together, Meng Shichen's heart throbbed with pain.

    "Baby don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's brother. Is your head hurting again? It will be fine soon, and we will cure it right away. Be patient, good baby, it will be fine soon." The

    cold big hand gently placed on Qin Rubbing Yiyi's temples made her head really cool instantly, making her feel much more comfortable. Besides, the stinging pain was only for a while, afraid that Meng Shichen would be worried, so he didn't open his eyes, put his little hand into his clothes, and nodded slightly.


    Really not wanting to make Qin Yiyi uncomfortable for a second, Meng Shichen picked up Qin Yiyi and walked quickly in front of Medusa.

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