Chapter 157. Injury, anger of seven people

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The two cars that Qin Yiyi and Qin Jue hit rolled over for a few times, and hurriedly turned to the side with the rest of the dozen or twenty cars, and the voices of scolding mothers continued to come from behind.

    "Damn, shoot, hurry up!"

    "It's too far! It's impossible to shoot!"

    "If you can't shoot, you have to shoot! How did they hit it? If this continues, unless we don't chase, we will all die !"

    Qin Yiyi's small bazooka was so powerful that the moment it hit, the high temperature set the car on fire, and the people inside were blown to death before they could shout.

    The sound of gunfire came from behind, and Qin Jue's eyes turned cold.

    "You really think highly of us."

    Hearing the voice, Qin Jue knew that they were using weapons of mass destruction. If it weren't for the lack of accuracy of this group of people, they might be in danger today.

    Qin Shuang was also trained since he was a child. Although he is not as good as Qin Yiyi and Qin Jue in terms of hearing and understanding of weapons, he can tell by looking at it.

    Looking back quickly, the sand behind them was blown into small pits one by one. If this hits them, it is estimated that the game will be over and see God.

    "I really hate us."

    While the two were talking, Qin Yiyi had already installed another cannonball, and then carefully watched the chasing car behind him.

    In Qin Yiyi's eyes at this time, if he used pictures to describe it, it would be all data. Quickly calculated the trajectories of these cars, as well as the range and power of the guns.

    Qin Yiyi has learned to shoot things since she was a child, from the small steel needles to the heavy weapons she holds in her hand. In terms of boxing, her talent is limited and she can only make up for it with diligence, but in terms of accuracy, even the teacher who taught her and Meng Shichen said that her talent is unmatched.

    But at this time, she still had to concentrate, otherwise she might lose her aim due to the high-speed movement and the current harsh environmental factors.

    One eye is closed, the other eye is placed on the scope, because of seriousness, the pink mouth that can't even dry the desert is slightly pouting.

    The road in the desert was not blocked, and now Meng Shichen only needed to keep whipping the camel to run wildly. So most of his eyes were on Qin Yiyi, and he only looked up at the road from the corner of his eye or from time to time.

    It's rare to see another look of the little baby, and Meng Shichen finds it fresh and delicious. Terrified of disturbing her, she could only hold back her mouth.

    After the rapid operation of the brain, Qin Yiyi finally seized the opportunity. Yang Chunshui's slender fingers usually don't touch it, but now they pull the trigger with force.


    "SHIT! Get out of the way!"

    "Ah! Damn it!"


    Because the chase was getting tighter, the group shouted something—they could vaguely hear it .

    Clenched fists in small hands, a bright smile appeared on his face, his watery eyes, which were extremely serious just now, were bent, and he shouted with excitement.


    Meng Shichen finally found the right opportunity, and kissed Qin Yiyi's pouty lips hard, giving a resounding kiss.

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