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Family Edition/ Extra

* Lives with grandparents.
* He makes them laugh.
* Goggles knows first-Aid.
* Grandfather was a firefighter.
* His grandma teaches him old language

* Parents divorced.
* Mother on Weekdays
* Father on Weekends
* They love and care for her choices.
* Dad taught her how to dance and bake.

* Grew up with some money; Lived in the country.
* His dad teaches him about all sorts of things.
* Mom likes taking him shopping.
* His parents are competitive on game night.
* He's smart but a nervous guy.
* out in the country. Insects love preying on him.

Bobble hat:
* Lived with grandma and mother
* She NOW lives with Headphones.
* She bakes with family during holidays.
* Will never hold a grudge
* Amazing at video games.
* She's a fighter and wins in the end!

* Has family but they're slightly toxic
* Still finds it difficult to let others in and trust them.
* Doesn't like any bright clothes
* He feels secure with his teammates
* Hates windy ways

* Strict Father but teaches Army the importance of being a gentlemen.
* Mother teaches him life skills 
* Into MartialArts.
* Has cousins his age but he hates them. (Except one)
* Will stray away from studies and do his own thing
* He likes dressing down when he's alone.
* Playing in the mud is what he did as a kid

* Mother passed.
* Has a father who is overworked but joyful
* The dad celebrates Alohas achievements
* His dad supports him being Bi.
* They go surfing on their days off.
* Has a very small family tree

* Grew up with good parents.
* Father wants Mask to be more social
(Mask will growl in return : |
* He's popular; he just doesn't like anyone.
* likes being alone but games with his dad. Because they're both geeks
* Pulled many pranks as a kid.

* Mother taught Skull everything she knows
* His father is very monotone but gives his support to his son.
* Only child.
* Sleeps like the dead
* Doesn't like borrowing important things.
* Would train with his parents when he was little

* lives with his uncle
* Let's Skull sleep over frequently.
* His uncle playfully teases him.
* Goes hiking in the winter with fam.
* Loves rocking out with his Uncle.
* Sleeps in on cold days
* Doesn't wear his sunglasses around people he's comfortable with.

* Support-ish Father.
* Mother died when Prince was born.
* Emperor is expected to be the best
* Will have outings with his father
* The dad remembers and gives both his children presents on B-days and holidays
* Emperor will put his little brother first before himself
* Takes Laceless for lessons sometimes.
* Will never admit that he has had romantic feelings.

* distant parents
* Vintage was constantly bulllied before he met Omega
* Has a pet Leaf Slug. (Courage)
* Snuck out a lot when he was little
* enjoys being alone sometimes
* He can't stand super sweet foods
* Will sneak outside with his slug and talk to him about the good things that happened.
* Vintage can loose control of the X Zone if he looses control of his emotions.

* Grew up in a nice home with no siblings
* Decent money.
* Has wonderful parents
* She always will look out for Vintage.
* Does seek revenge on those who wronged her or her friends
* Willingly to help out

* Lives with her big sister.
* Parents travel frequently.
* They send postcards on their birthdays.
* Has a pet bunny-slug. (Button is it's name)
* Her pet has play dates with Vintages slug

* Decent size family!
* Middle child and gets tormented by older siblings
* Wrestling with brothers often
* Caring mom.
* Responsible when he needs to be.
* Reckless in the wrong situations.

* Animal like instincts and extremely strong
* Seen as abnormal.
* Grandparents manly raised him
* Trained extremely hard to protect the treasure.
* He's the one to look out for Hivemind and tease him playfully.
* Has a crush on his childhood friend.

* Was a Lost Child
* Has no memory before he was found
* Unknown Birthday
* Doesn't truly trust the guardians yet
* Witty and uses his smarts as an advantage to bet Fierce at his own game.
* The choice of Chaos causes concern but Fierce is always willing to explain.
* Doesn't use mind control as often

Meh- wrote this on the 8th never posted it. Oops-

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