Emperor's Brainwash (9)

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Have y'all ever thought of this before? Yeah I don't know, just saw a YouTube video on pegagatorGal_lpS4 channel that has the title
( me over thinking Emperors and Prinz's brotherly relationship )

So basically what this person talks about is that she points out that Emperor basically emotional abused Prize and his teammates.

So the only reason she has these thoughts is because in parts of the chapters in the battle between team blue and Team Emperor. Goggles goes up to Prinz and said "let's have some fun!" To where Prize didn't answer back only had a thought with him saying.
"Fun!?" He was confused on what that word was or the meaning, he probably never experienced having fun before.

And at one point where I remember Goggles saying how he can beat Emperor blah blah blah something else. Whatever it may have been, but Prinz ended up laughing a little and when his teammates caught him they were confused. He had to make up an excuse on why he laughed.

Prinze was always forced to follow Emperors road and never step out of line because his brother had control of the team. Emperor told his brother that the kings enjoyment only matters no one else's.

Basically Emperor did I think, emotionally abuse Prize and his teammates. He never had real fun before and always had to follow the rules and do exactly what his brother told him to do.

I'm just finally thinking about this now that it was mentioned. Emperor was the one in charge and in control of his younger brothers life.

I never noticed until today.

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